Myth or reality ? Is winter the season that makes you gain the most weight?
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The much-anticipated season rolls around, bringing with it tasty raclettes, heartwarming mulled wine, and the irresistible call of yule logs. No sooner than we’ve sung “Auld Lang Syne,” we’re slicing into the delicious galette des rois for the holidays.

Let’s not kid ourselves; the chance of stopping at just one slice is slim at best. With winter treats in full swing, the bathroom scale seems to grimace at the very thought.

Does The Cold Weather Trigger Weight Gain?

As we button up against the winter chill, it often feels like we’re tightening our belts in the opposite direction. While our heavy holiday meals bear some blame, the weather, dear friends, isn’t just a conversation filler – it’s a weighty issue, too.

Nutrition expert Aurore Lavergnat sheds light on this cold phenomenon. “Sunshine actually has a slimming effect on fat cells by stimulating the release of some of their contents,” she points out. Then winter rolls in, the clouds gather, and our bodies shift into hoarding mode, tucking away fat in those stubborn adipose cells.

Winter Habits and Comfort Foods

Our winter struggles deepen as sweet temptation draws us in, bringing winter weight gain along. Lavergnat explains that cooler temps heighten our cravings for sugar as our bodies try to boost serotonin – that feel-good brain chemical we’re all craving for a mood lift in the gloomy months.

But it’s not just the sweets. Even our veg-heavy dishes bulk up in winter. “Root vegetables like celery, carrots, and parsnips pack more nutrients and carbs,” Lavergnat notes, pointing out that they contain roughly 5 to 10 grams of carbs per 100 grams – a sharp contrast to the modest 3 to 5 grams found in summer greens. However, nature isn’t just playing a cruel joke. It has slyly designed these hearty winter crops to help us fend off the cold with their energy-rich carbohydrates which aid in keeping our body temperature warm.

Adding insult to injury, as the frost sets in, our commitment to outdoor activities often freezes over. We’re skimping on those sweat sessions, and, consequently, torching fewer calories each day.

So, is winter weight gain inevitable, like snowflakes on your nose and frost on your toes? Not quite. But it does seem that maintaining our summer physique could be as challenging as resisting that second helping of holiday pudding. Worry not – with a dash of discipline and a sprinkle of activity, we might just tip the scales in our favor, or at least keep them firmly in place.