Nutritionist reveals why skipping breakfast can be a problem.
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Do you ever find yourself racing against the clock every morning, hustling out the door without a bite to eat? Or perhaps your stomach doesn’t even grumble until well past noon. If skipping breakfast has become more of a routine than an exception for you because you’re just not hungry, you might want to listen to what health experts, including a nutritionist from TikTok, have to say about this habit.

Not eating in the morning, what are the causes?

The mystery behind your morning appetite disappearing act can often be traced back to a few usual suspects. Nutritionist @VictorGenty sheds light on TikTok about how stress and anxiety don’t just disrupt your peace of mind; they also ambush your morning hunger.

That’s right, when your nerves are on edge, your appetite takes the backseat. Then there’s the storyline of your late-night culinary adventures. Feasting on a grand, rich meal late at night? Your body’s still on a digesting marathon come sunrise, putting breakfast out of the question.

But it doesn’t stop there. Those restrictive diets or erratic eating routines you might be experimenting with can also flip your hunger signals off track, making you think you don’t need breakfast.

Consequences on health and weight loss of skipping breakfast

Skipping breakfast might seem like no big deal, but this act of omission sends your body on a wild ride. Without its morning fuel, your body is left running on fumes, translating to a slump in energy and a brain that’s not quite in its prime.

And here’s where it takes a twist—skipping breakfast could actually put a wrench in your weight loss plans. You might think you’re shaving off calories, but by midday, your hunger turns into a beast. The result? You’re more likely to grab whatever’s quick and comforting, which, let’s be honest, isn’t always the epitome of health.

Moreover, this surge in appetite doesn’t just whisper sweet nothings of sugary snacks in your ear; it shouts. Before you know it, you’re on a see-saw of high-calorie treats and high-fat fast food, which is far from ideal when you’re trying to lose weight.

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This article first appeared on – Author: Alexandra