Improve focus by doing these 3 easy movement techniques.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Is your mind wandering to the corners of the universe when you desperately need it to stay grounded? You’re not alone. It’s easy to lose concentration, but fret not. Use these easy movements to improve focus, all without breaking a sweat or leaving your desk (much).

Why do we suddenly lose focus?

First off, why does our concentration take unwanted breaks? Distractions are the usual suspects—those pesky external ones like chatter, pings from our devices, or just the endless allure of the outside world. On the flip side, internal distractions like stress or boredom from tasks that couldn’t be more yawn-inducing if they tried also play villains in our story.

Improve focus with these movements:

To combat these foes and improve focus, crafting a distraction-less sanctuary is your first step. Find that zen corner of your abode or office, mute those notifications that aren’t your boss or mom, and set boundaries like “This is me time, folks!”

1. Plank: Hovering in a plank on your forearms and toes isn’t just a ticket to a stellar core but a free ride to improved focus too. It gets the blood pumpin’ straight to your brain!

2. Lunge forward: Take a step, literally, with a forward lunge. This not only stretches out those desk-bound legs but lets that built-up tension scamper away, bringing your focus back where it belongs.

3. Hand stand: Feeling adventurous? A handstand, against a wall for us mere mortals, calls for all-hands-on-deck (pun intended) concentration, shoving those distracting thoughts into oblivion.

Finally, stand up, stretch, and shake those limbs like you’re in a one-person dance party. It’s a quick, fun way to reset and improve focus.

And remember to breathe deeply. Never underestimate the power of deep, mindful breathing. A few deep breaths can work wonders in clearing the mental clutter, ushering in a wave of concentration.

Slipping these easy moves into your day can dramatically improve focus, whether you’re battling boredom or stress. So the next time your concentration decides to go AWOL, you know just what to do. Your focused future self will thank you!

**3 mouvements pour se recentrer et gagner en concentration en un rien de temps**

This article first appeared on – Author: Alexandra