With soy, you'll stay fit and fabulous through menopause.
Photo credit: Shutterstock

The transition through menopause often brings an unwelcome guest: weight gain. As reported by Passeport Santé, women on average find themselves about 2 to 2.5 kg heavier during this transitional phase.

This extra weight, typically gathering around the abdomen over three years, shifts the body’s composition towards more visceral fat and less muscle. It’s not just a matter of fitting into your jeans; this change can escalate the risk of cardiovascular issues and other health scares.

That’s where the importance of thoughtful diet adjustments and smarter food choices kicks in. The goal? To support your body’s nutritional needs without adding unnecessary calories to your day.

Soy, Your Menopause Weight Management Hero

If you’re going through menopause, it might be time to change your protein sources. While cutting down on fatty red meats is a step in the right direction, turning to plant-based alternatives, especially soy, can be a game-changer.

Soy doesn’t just stand out because it’s an excellent plant-based protein. It’s also bursting with estrogen-like properties, crucial during a time when your body’s natural estrogen production takes a nosedive.

Soy: Low in Calories, High in Benefits

So, how does soy stack up in terms of nutritional value? Surprisingly well! Soy boasts about 338 kcal per 100 grams, outshining lean meat with its minimal fat content (only 5%) and negligible saturated fats (0.8%).

But that’s not all. Soy is a fiber powerhouse, offering up to 20g per 100g, making it a stomach-filling, heart-healthy option. Plus, for those avoiding gluten, soy’s got your back, being entirely gluten-free. From tofu to soy milk and even soy yogurt, the versatility of soy products ensures they can easily integrate into any diet.

Soy doesn’t just play a supporting role in weight management during menopause. Its rich nutrient profile supports overall health, offering a strong defense against menopause’s unwanted side effects. Adding soy to your diet will help keep those annoying pounds at bay while giving your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

**Cet Aliment Qui Remplace la Viande Est en Fait Idéal pour Garder la Ligne Pendant la Ménopause**

This article first appeared on grazia.fr – Author: Luce Picat