Understand the health risks of a post-meal nap.
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Feeling sluggish after a hearty meal is not out of the ordinary and can often prompt thoughts of a quick nap. Though tempting, post-meal naps disrupt digestion, causing issues like an upset stomach. Experts warn against this habit due to potential health effects.

American doctor Dominic Greenyer highlights in Stylist magazine’s UK edition, that lying down right after a meal causes digestive issues. “Lying down post-meal can cause stomach acid to travel back into the esophagus, leading to the discomfort of acid reflux or heartburn,” states Dr. Greenyer. He notes that these symptoms are even more common among individuals with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

According to Psychologies magazine, gravity also contributes to digestion, so lying down can be detrimental in this sense: “While it facilitates the flow of food through the digestive tract, it can also be counteracted by lying down, which can cause the digestion process to be slowed down.”

Understanding the health risks of a post-meal nap

Taking a post-meal nap might seem relaxing but can lead to serious health issues, especially with frequent occurrence. It can damage the esophagus lining, heightening the risk of developing esophagitis or Barrett’s esophagus. But with a healthy immune system, this infection will clear on its own.

The intestinal microbiota is also at risk from a disrupted intestinal balance: “When food is not digested properly, certain bacteria can grow in the intestines, resulting in a whole host of digestive disorders”.

To prevent these issues, Dr. Greenyer advises waiting at least 2 to 3 hours after eating before lying down. This allows the body to begin digestion and transfer food to the small intestine. Instead of succumbing to the lure of a nap, choose a post-meal walk to genuinely aid digestion and feel lighter.

Incorporating these simple habits into your routine can make a significant difference in promoting digestive well-being and overall health.