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When it comes to health, spices aren’t just for flavor, they’re actually also powerful ingredients. Whether for the immune system, cholesterol, microbiota, and digestion, spices actually hold plenty of benefits! Among these, there are three special spices that experts, especially gastroenterologists, recommend. They not only give your immune system a boost but also make digestion smoother, prevent bloating, and help you get a flatter tummy. At the front of the line is cinnamon, a favorite of Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, a top gastroenterologist and gut health expert. He suggests adding it to your morning coffee instead of milk or sugar.

Which spices should you add to your daily routine for a happier tummy?

According to Top Santé, cinnamon is one of the world’s best sources of antioxidants. It has proanthocyanidins and flavonoids that protect our cells and stop cholesterol from causing health problems. Surprisingly, cinnamon has 20 times more proanthocyanidins than even berries, which are famous for being great antioxidants. Just a tiny spoonful, about 2 grams, can help calm down your belly and give you extra fiber. Starting your day with a cinnamon-infused coffee helps control your blood sugar, keeping those mid-morning munchies at bay.

In addition to cinnamon, a sprinkle of turmeric in your coffee helps your liver stay healthy by making sure it does its job well. Turmeric gets your digestive juices flowing, making it easier for your body to digest fats and break down fat in your liver.

Last but not least, Dr. Bulsiewicz reminds us not to forget about ginger. It’s not only great for digestion but also helps when you feel queasy.

“Add them as powders to your coffee or let them steep right in your cup.” suggests the doctor. He even shares his special spiced coffee recipe on his Instagram account @theguthealthmd

These are tips you won’t want to forget – give them a try!