What are the herbal teas to keep in your pantry and drink when you’ve overeaten? Good question.

While it’s better to eat balanced meals at all times, including during festive occasions or family gatherings with friends, there are several natural remedies that can help with minor but unpleasant discomforts such as heaviness, fatigue, digestive difficulties, and many others.

Here are 5 Herbal Teas to Drink When You’ve Overeaten

 Linden Tea for Better Sleep

Overeating can worsen the quality of sleep. Linden, a plant belonging to the Malvaceae family, has sedative and relaxing properties that are useful for combating sleep difficulties.

In the form of tea, it’s ideal if you have trouble falling asleep or wake up during the night. To sleep well, simply infuse a teaspoon of dried flowers in a cup of boiling water for 7 minutes and after straining the drink with a sieve, drink it before going to bed.

Fennel for Reflux Problems

Fennel is also excellent for reducing discomfort, improving acid secretion, and accelerating peristalsis. Ideal if you also have problems with gastritis or reflux. Simply put a teaspoon of seeds in a cup and let them infuse for about 7-8 minutes, then drink the tea after eating.

Ginger-based Teas for Heaviness

Ginger is an excellent ally in case of stomach problems such as heaviness and abdominal bloating. Rich in gingerol, it facilitates digestive processes.

Artichoke Tea for Bloating

Artichoke is rich in antioxidants, including polyphenols. Among these, cynarin stands out, responsible for its bitter taste, which has properties that improve digestive functions and eliminate bloating and intestinal gas.

Milk Thistle for Digestion

Milk thistle is an excellent ally for the proper functioning of the liver, one of the body’s organs responsible for eliminating waste and toxins.

Revitalize Your Wellness with These 8 Detoxifying Herbal Teas

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Photo Credits: Unsplash

This article first appeared on Grazia.it -Angela Altomare