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Whether you’re short on time or just can’t resist the temptation, those pre-packaged Asian soups are our go-to’s especially during colder seasons. Comforting, especially in chilly weather, and delicious thanks to the noodles they contain, there are options to satisfy all tastes and cravings, whether it’s meat, fish, or vegetables.

But here’s the thing: they’re not always the healthiest choice, especially if you’re trying to watch your weight. Some of these soups have a lot of calories and fat. According to a nutritionist named Raphaël Gruman, these noodles can be really salty, which is detrimental if you are prone to water retention. Some could even make you gain over a pound the next day!

So, why do these soups make you gain weight?

Chinese chicken noodle soup is a big no-no when it comes to unhealthy foods. It’s loaded with salt – even a small bowl has as much salt as you should have in a whole day. They don’t have many vitamins or minerals because of how they’re made. They also have a high glycemic index, which means they won’t keep you full for very long.

Our advice? Skip the Chinese chicken noodle soup. If you’re craving it, try making your own at home with fresh ingredients. You can control how much salt and fat you use, and you can add lots of veggies for more nutrients.

Here’s a tip: Instead of going for the Chinese chicken noodle soup, consider making it yourself at home using fresh ingredients. This way, you have control over the amount of salt and fat, and you can add plenty of veggies for extra nutrients.

If you’re in a rush, there are some healthy instant soups out there. Look for ones that are low in sodium and unhealthy fats and make sure they have a good amount of protein and fibre.

Remember, soup is just a portion of a balanced meal. Be sure to incorporate other nutritious foods into your diet like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.