5 easy morning habits to get back in shape, according to a nutritionist

To each his own when it comes to weight loss. However, if you want to lose weight quickly, you must choose a well-thought-out routine.

On the website Eat This, Not That, Lisa Young shares the five best morning habits to lose weight faster.

1. Drink a glass of cold water before each meal

According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, participants who drank around two cups of water 30 minutes before having breakfast, lunch, and dinner dropped weight and experienced a decrease in their body mass index score. Thus, do not hesitate to drink more water every day to help with your weight-loss efforts. Moreover, if plain water isn’t to your taste, try adding fresh lemon or mint.

“When you wake up in the morning, you may be dehydrated, so hydrating with a glass of water is a great idea. You also may think you are hungry but you’re really just thirsty,” explains Lisa Young.

2. Add protein to your breakfast

The best way to have a stable blood sugar level as soon as you wake up is to add protein to your breakfast. Choose eggs, yogurt, or peanut butter. A lot of clinical studies have found that adding more protein can help you lose weight and improve your overall body composition by lowering fat mass and helping you maintain fat-free mass.

3. Do not forget fruits

Fruits are packed with antioxidants and fiber, which make them an essential for breakfast. A study published in Annals of Internal Medicine shows that adding 30 more grams of fiber to your daily diet can lower blood pressure and help you lose weight.

“You add bulk and volume to your meal without unnecessary calories,” Lisa Young explains.

4. Choose whole grains

Carbs are usually thought to be the designated enemies of weight loss. How wrong that is!

“Whole grains like oatmeal or whole grain bread contain fiber and nutrients and help keep you satisfied. No need to fear carbs,” insists Lisa Young.

5. Have a brisk walk outside

Your body and your soul will thank you for this. According to the professional, this is one of the healthiest morning habits to implement into your morning routine if you are trying to lose weight and start the day with a clear mind.

“Losing weight by walking is a great adjunct to eating a healthy food plan,” Lisa Young says. “Walking burns calories, helps keep your bones strong, and is great for your mood.”