Discover joint-friendly exercises to alleviate joint pain and strengthen your body without the strain. Get moving and feel great!
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For a lot of us, joint pain is an all-too-familiar foe. Whether it’s a knee giving you grief after your morning jog or your hips protesting during those casual strolls, it’s all too easy to let that discomfort sideline you. But here’s the thing—while hanging up your sneakers might seem like the sensible move, taking a timeout from physical activity isn’t always the best answer. In fact, staying on the move and maintaining an active lifestyle can be just the ticket to smoothing out those creaky joints.

Here are four low-impact exercises to help you burn calories effectively while guarding against joint pain.


The plank is both an isometric and static exercise that targets your core by strengthening the abdominals and back. It carries a very low injury risk and is a staple in Pilates routines, suitable for people at all fitness levels.

To execute the plank, start by lying face-down on the ground. Prop yourself up using your hands and toes, making sure no other body parts touch the ground. Maintain a straight arm position and balance your body. Hold this position for three sets of one minute each.

Squat Presses

The Squat Press is a joint pain-friendly full-body strengthening move that also boosts cardiovascular endurance. It’s perfect for your routine whether your goal is to slim down or enhance muscle tone, all while being gentle on the joints.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells in front of you with thumbs pointing towards your face and elbows slightly forward. Keep your torso firm. As you squat, bend your legs and arms simultaneously, ensuring your back remains straight.

Modified Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks, a staple exercise in military training, have made a mark in fitness circles. It involves a “star” jump with legs and arms extending outward.

To perform it without the unnecessary joint pain, forgo the jump and step side-to-side, raising your arms simultaneously. Pick up the pace to increase intensity.

Mini-Band Exercises

For those who prefer not to use weights, mini resistance bands are an excellent alternative. They’re budget-friendly and can work all the body’s muscle groups, without the joint pain.

Lie down with your feet planted on the ground and thighs raised. Loop the resistance band around your waist, anchoring part of it with your hands, and lift your pelvis upwards. The band’s resistance will engage your muscles effectively.