soneva soul stem cell therapies benefits
Photo: @sonevasoul Instagram

Who doesn’t love a holiday? Especially when it comes with crystal clear water, soft, white sand, luxurious accommodation and food to die for. Exactly. It’s a silly question. But gone are the days of just hopping on a plane and vegging out on a beach for days on end, as – now more than ever – we’re looking to our getaways as an opportunity to reset and unwind. To boost our bodies and take the opportunity away from the stress of daily life to up our wellness game.

“In today’s fast-paced world, holidays are no longer just about relaxation but also about rejuvenation and healing. People want to leave their holiday not only feeling better but to truly function better on a physical, mental, metabolic and cellular level,” explains Dr. Lilly-Marie Blecher, Chief Medical Officer at Soneva Soul – a transformative wellness concept in the Maldives at Soneva Fushi and Soneva Jani. “Individuals are increasingly seeking interventions that can provide long-term health benefits, reduce the impact of stress and address specific health concerns in settings that also offer relaxation and detachment from daily life stressors.”

And when it comes to total health overall that benefits the body from the inside out, it doesn’t get much better than stem cell therapy. Once relegated to science fiction, stem cells are rapidly becoming a big thing in the medical and wellness worlds. This revolutionary technology holds immense promise for treating a wide range of conditions, from injuries and diseases to helping us look and feel younger and better than ever. Here, GRAZIA tapped Dr. Lilly to find out everything you need to know about stem cell therapy. But be warned: you’ll be Googling flights to the Maldvies faster than you can say “Beach, please.”

Soneva Soul - Stem Cells Treatment
Photo: Supplied

what exactly is stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy is a regenerative therapy that has been studied for over 20 years to treat disease and optimise health and performance. Stem cells can be used systemically or locally, and wherever they are administered, they regenerate tissues and improve metabolism and function. Stem cell therapy is one of the most important advancements in medicine that is changing the opportunity we have to live longer and better.

Why are they such a big thing in wellness?

Stem cells are at the forefront of regenerative medicine because of their unique ability to differentiate into various cell types, offering the potential for tissue repair and regeneration. This has significant implications for treating chronic or degenerative diseases, promoting wound healing and counteracting the effects of ageing. They can be harnessed to improve overall health, metabolism, enhance recovery processes and prevent disease.

How do you obtain stem cells? 

The stem cells we use at Soneva are allogenic, meaning they are donated and then processed in highly controlled environments to ensure safety and efficacy. Our partnership with Swedish Cellco labs ensures that the stem cells we use are of the highest possible quality and quantity, deriving the stem cells from optimal donors – medical students between the ages of 18 and 30. The process for our guests involves minimally invasive procedures, designed to be as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

stem cell therapies maldives

How can stem cells benefit the body?

Treatments include intradermal injections for skin rejuvenation and hair loss, orthopaedic injections (where the stem cells are injected into a target area) to stimulate the body to repair damaged tissue and accelerate healing, as well as IV systemic stem cell therapy where stem cell infusions help reduce inflammation, promote tissue regeneration and improve immune function.

What about the beauty benefits?

The beauty benefits of stem cell therapy are profound. These treatments can rejuvenate the skin, reduce the appearance of ageing by diminishing wrinkles and restoring skin elasticity and promote the healing of damaged skin. This process involves the stem cell’s ability to secrete growth factors and cytokines, which stimulate the body’s own skin cells to regenerate, potentially reversing signs of skin ageing and damage. By harnessing the body’s repair mechanisms, stem cell therapies offer a natural, holistic approach to beauty.

what’s the future of stem cell therapy?

The future of stem cell therapy is expanding into more comprehensive treatments for chronic conditions, enhanced regenerative procedures for organ and tissue damage, and more precise anti-ageing applications. Ongoing research into stem cell differentiation, homing processes and interaction with existing tissues is unlocking treatments for a broader range of diseases, including neurodegenerative conditions and heart disease. The potential is vast, and at Soneva, we’re excited to be at the forefront of integrating these advancements into holistic wellness experiences.

What’s are your guests biggest concerns, and can stem cell therapy help?

The most common concern we hear from our guests is fatigue associated with stress, poor sleep, metabolism, hypothyroidism, menopause, andropause and ageing. We have many therapies that have an extraordinary impact on the body’s vitality, including cryotherapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, ozone therapy, IV nutrient therapy, acupuncture, ayurveda and more. Stem cell therapy offers promising results in improving the production of the body’s energy molecule ATP, optimising metabolism and reducing the manifestations of ageing by promoting the repair of damaged tissues and organs.

soneva fushi spa stem cells
Photo: @sonevasoul Instagram

The treatments are pretty pricEy…why the high price tag?

The high cost of stem cell treatments reflects the advanced technology, extensive research and rigorous safety standards involved in developing these therapies. Additionally, the process of procuring, processing and administering stem cells safely and effectively requires specialised expertise. Our IV treatments contain over 100M MSCs per treatment, which is the gold standard in the industry!

debunk the biggest myth you’ve heard about stem cells…

A common misconception is that all stem cell therapies involve embryonic stem cells and are thus mired in ethical and legal controversies. However, many current therapies, including those offered at Soneva, use adult or allogenic stem cells from consenting donors, which are ethically sourced and processed. It is important to distinguish between different types of stem cell therapies and understand the rigorous processes that ensure their ethical application.

How long do results last?

Stem cells are generally a one-and-done treatment. It is possible that a follow-up in six months might benefit some people, but most only require one.

The longevity of stem cell treatment results can vary depending on the type of treatment and the individual’s condition. Generally, the benefits of stem cell therapies are long-lasting, with improvements observed for months or even years after treatment. Continuous research and follow-up care are integral to maximising these benefits, ensuring that our guests enjoy sustained improvements in their health and well-being. We optimise all of our treatments at Soneva Soul as part of our holistic and comprehensive approach to care.

Can anyone benefit from stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy can be used for most of our guests who want to address autoimmune disease and chronic diseases, optimise health and performance, decrease inflammation and improve metabolism throughout the body. Some people do stem cell IVs after a stroke or heart attack, because of a diagnosis such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, to prevent cardiovascular disease, to lose weight and to live longer and stronger.

Stem cells can also be administered through local joint injections, and this is primarily used to address sports injuries, osteoarthritis, or inflammation such as rheumatoid arthritis or bursitis. Local stem cells regenerate joint tissues. They can also be used in topical injection or microneedling form for hair restoration, to prevent or treat ageing skin, or to treat skin disorders.