defined jawline treatments dubai
Instagram @oliviaculpo

Move over cheekbones, there’s a new beauty symbol in town and it’s an ultra chic, sleek, snatched jawline that has an anti-ageing effect on the whole face. Although a defined jaw has always been a classic beauty feature, this year it garnered a whole new level of interest after Margot Robbie stepped out as Barbie, complete with a long, smooth neck and textbook snatched jaw.

The current global beauty obsession, defined jawlines have been gaining serious traction online, with the hashtag #snatchedjawline gaining over 263m views on TikTok to date. As Dr. Leonard N. Josipovic, Head of the Plastic, Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery Department at the luxurious Lucia Clinic says, “A jawline can be incredibly transformative. It has the power to change the overall appearance of your face, for men, making it look more masculine and defined, and for women, it can add structure and contour to the jawline, helping to elevate the entire face.”

So, to help you on your quest to snatched jawline-dom, GRAZIA tapped three of Dubai’s top aesthetic experts to find out which treatments actually work. From fillers to radiofrequency, there’s something for everyone. Here’s what you need to know.

Dermal Fillers

“Dermal fillers are typically made of hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the body. They work by adding volume and hydration to the treated area,” Dr. Leonard explains. “The filler is injected beneath the skin to plump and lift, address wrinkles and fine lines and enhance facial contours. Over time, some fillers also stimulate collagen production, which can improve skin quality and structure. It’s a safe and temporary way to enhance facial features without surgery.”

If somebody has a weak jawline, how can filler strengthen it?

Jawline filler is a fantastic solution for strengthening a weak jawline. Injecting a dermal filler, usually made of hyaluronic acid, along the jawline, adds volume and definition, creating a more contoured appearance. Jawline filler can also lift sagging skin and give the jowls a more youthful appearance.

What if somebody has a very prominent jaw they wish to soften?

If someone has a very pronounced or prominent jawline they wish to soften, filler can still be beneficial. A skilled practitioner can use filler strategically to create a more balanced look by reducing the sharpness of the jawline while maintaining a natural appearance.

What do I need to know before considering filler for my jawline?

Before considering jawline filler, it’s essential to research and choose a qualified and experienced doctor. Discuss your goals, potential risks and the specific type of filler to be used. Understand that filler is a temporary solution, and touch-up sessions may be needed. Also, be aware of potential side effects and recovery time.

The frequency of touch-up sessions varies from person to person and how your body reacts to the filler. Typically, you may need a touch-up every 6 to 12 months to maintain your newly defined jawline. Your doctor can provide a personalised plan based on your goals and the specific filler used.

I want a defined jawline but I still want to look like me. Will filler make me look “done”?

One common misconception is that fillers will make you look unnatural or overdone. When performed by a skilled professional, fillers can enhance your features while maintaining a natural appearance – so you’ll look fresher and like an enhanced version of yourself rather than looking like someone else. It’s essential to choose a practitioner who understands your desired outcome and can achieve it without excessive volume.

how to get a defined jawline
Instagram @haileybieber

Secret RF

“Secret RF treatment is an excellent option for those looking to enhance their jawline and achieve a more youthful appearance. It works differently from fillers but can provide impressive results,” says Dr. Zahra Alatar, Aesthetic Doctor at Paramount Medical Center. “It’s a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to rejuvenate the skin and promote collagen production.”

How exactly does Secret RF work?

Secret RF treats the skin’s texture and elasticity by stimulating natural collagen production. This can help tighten and lift the skin, providing a more youthful and sculpted appearance to the jawline. The treatment involves a specialised device that delivers controlled RF energy through micro-needles into the skin. These tiny needles create minuscule injuries, triggering the body’s natural healing response and collagen production. This process is known as microneedling with radiofrequency. As the collagen levels increase, the skin’s texture improves, becoming firmer and more elastic. This, in turn, helps to redefine and contour the jawline.

Does it offer any other advantages?

One of the key advantages of Secret RF compared to jawline fillers is its ability to address not only the appearance of the jawline but also the overall quality and health of the skin. Secret RF can lead to long-lasting improvements in skin tightness and smoothness, resulting in a more natural and youthful look for the jawline.

By promoting collagen production and improving skin texture, it offers a more holistic approach to jawline rejuvenation. The results are natural and long-lasting, providing patients with a more youthful and defined jawline without the need for injections or surgery.

How long will it take before I see results?

The results of Secret RF treatment typically become noticeable after a few weeks, as collagen continues to regenerate and improve skin texture. Patients often experience a firmer and more lifted jawline, reduced sagging and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles. The treatment is adjustable and can be tailored to the individual’s needs, ensuring a personalised approach for each patient.

dubai defined jawline treatments
Instagram @bellahadid

Define By InMode

“Define is an innovative, non-invasive facial remodelling treatment designed to contour and tighten various areas of the face, including the jawline,” explains Dr. Ali Halawi, dermatologist at Obagi MediSpa. “It uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity, resulting in a more defined and youthful jawline appearance”

How does the treatment work?

Define utilises radiofrequency energy to target the deep layers of the skin and underlying tissues. RF energy gently heats these areas, stimulating collagen production. Collagen is crucial for skin’s firmness and elasticity, and increased collagen production helps tighten and lift sagging skin along the jawline.

Is it painful?

Define treatments are typically well-tolerated by patients. The procedure is comfortable, with most individuals experiencing a warming sensation during the treatment. There is usually no pain associated with the process. It’s a non-invasive treatment, which means it doesn’t require surgical incisions or downtime. Patients can undergo the procedure without the risks, scarring, or lengthy recovery associated with surgical jawline contouring procedures.

What are the added benefits of opting for Define treatments for a defined jawline?

Define’s technology allows for precise and controlled delivery of RF energy. Practitioners can customise the treatment based on the patient’s unique jawline contouring needs, ensuring optimal results. Define is specifically designed for facial remodelling and contouring, making it highly effective for addressing jawline concerns. It can improve the appearance of sagging skin, jowls and a less defined jawline.

Will I see instant results?

While some improvements may be noticeable shortly after the treatment, the full benefits of Define become more apparent over time as collagen production continues to increase. This results in gradual, natural-looking improvements that blend seamlessly with the patient’s features.