
We understand that physical activity is beneficial for the body and offers numerous advantages to our physical well-being, helping us stay fit and preserve our health.

However, what not everyone knows are the benefits that physical activity brings to our mental well-being.

Yes, because sports really are just as good for the mind as much as (if not more than) the body.

Sometimes we tend to justify the lack of movement by using excuses such as laziness and lack of time. We often forget to remind ourselves that dedicating time to physical activity is a gift we give ourselves, for a happier body and mind.

Why Are Sports Good For Our Mental Health?

1. Exercising Clears the Mind

When performing any type of physical activity, the brain tends to gain clarity. This happens because as we work out, our body needs to concentrate on its movement and breath. This state of extreme focus can help you momentarily forget the thoughts crowding your mind.

For this reason, it is important to engage in physical activity every day, even if only for a few minutes; You will help the mind detoxify from stress and harmful thoughts.

2. Relieves Tension

Muscle tension is one of the most common causes of discomfort and anxiety. Through sports, when our muscles are working they lower the level of adrenaline, a substance that, in massive doses, tends to trigger dysfunctional bodily responses such as stress.

3. Exercising Makes You Smarter

Those who engage in physical activity are also more intelligent. This is supported by researchers from the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, who have shown how physical activity can stimulate intelligence.

In simple terms, exercising brings more blood to the brain, and this movement stimulates neurons that will help when practicing activities requiring concentration and reasoning.

4. Increases Creativity

“I’ll take a walk to clear my mind.” Who hasn’t said that?

Engaging in physical activity allows you to develop creativity and find solutions to problems that, after your training, might seem easier to handle.

5. Connects Us With Our True Nature

If you want to enjoy all the benefits of sports, then go outdoors.

When practicing outdoors, physical activity stimulates all our senses to the point of returning to our most intimate and primitive senses; Plants help us breathe better, and the sounds of nature calm our spirits.

If walking isn’t enough for you, and you want to do squats or sit-ups while enjoying the benefits of the outdoors, there are equipped parks functioning as real gyms. Or alternatively, even a simple bench can turn into a great tool for training.

**5 Exercises to Do at Your Desk for a Healthier Workday**

This article first appeared on — Author: Elisa Castellano