
In the frenzy of everyday life, knowing how to have more energy is a matter of survival.

In this context, exploring how to recharge your batteries becomes a journey through the multiple dimensions of your life, an ongoing quest for balance and well-being to face each day with vitality and resilience.

Take pen and paper; we suggest some challenges to try for 6 days that will help you have more energy and fill up for the entire year.

6 Easy Tricks to Have More Energy in Just 6 Days


Day 1: Take 5-Minute Breaks to Have More Energy

When thinking about various ways to increase your daily energy, many focus on the quality of their nightly rest.

A night of quality sleep – at least seven hours for adults – is crucial for cognition and readiness. However, many of us struggle to sleep enough or wake up feeling fatigued. This is where daytime rest comes into play.

Research suggests that taking revitalizing short breaks helps strengthen energy for the day. These breaks don’t have to be actual naps but moments of relaxation capable of offering benefits ranging from restoring attention to increasing vitality, improving well-being, and mood.

Giving importance to these moments is a form of prevention. Considering daytime rest as a reward is wrong because it should be a daily practice for everyday health.

Day 2: Move for 3 Minutes to Refresh the Mind

When you feel drained, getting up and moving might seem counterintuitive. In reality, it’s the opposite: the less active we are during the day, the more tired we feel.

The second challenge to have more energy is to incorporate at least 3 minutes of physical exercise every two hours or so. Yes, you read it right, just 3 minutes. But every 2 hours.

Short bursts of movement can help reduce fatigue, alleviate stress, and improve mood.

As soon as you get up from your chair to do a bit of jogging in place, your heart rate increases, subsequently boosting oxygen supply to muscles and the brain. This, in turn, could help you stay more alert for at least a couple of hours.

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Day 3: Reflect on Past Meals

Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought only about breakfast? Or finished a meal and already planned the next one? Experts confirm that this is a normal behavior but unfortunately depletes all our strength.

We rarely look back and reflect on how the food we eat makes us feel. However, tuning into how food influences us can help us understand which foods give us energy and which, on the contrary, make us sluggish.

This mindset can also teach us to eat better and fill up on health.


Day 4: Identify who Gives (or Steals) Energy from You

We’ve all had friendships or romantic relationships that left us feeling drained. And often, we’re so accustomed to the roles we play that we don’t reflect on how these relationships truly make us feel.

The fourth challenge to recharge your energy is to consider who, among the people closest to you, has a positive influence on you.

Scientific research suggests that, in general, relationships have a significant positive effect on our health. Strong friendships can lower blood pressure, protect against depression, and help us live longer. However, ambivalent relationships can have the opposite effect, causing an increase in blood pressure and anxiety.

Identifying “energy vampires” and friends who rejuvenate us will only do us good.

Day 5: Put Away the Phone and Do Something Else

At the end of the workday, we don’t want to do anything but turn off the computer (and the brain) and scroll through social media, perhaps without much interest.

However, this activity is detrimental to our well-being. For this reason, experts suggest trying to set aside the phone and start new activities.

From working on macramé or painting, doing a puzzle or crosswords… any activity of this kind allows us to enter a state of flow, which is a period of intense concentration derived from being completely absorbed in an activity.

Flow states occur when you’re doing something challenging but not so difficult as to be stressful. During these moments, time and self-awareness disappear, helping us feel more relaxed.

Day 6: Learn to Maintain the Right Energy Throughout the Year

If you’ve followed the previous 5 challenges in the past 5 days, today you should be full of energy.

But how do you maintain the same levels of energy throughout the year? This is the last challenge.

We all have elements that drain our energy in everyday life and that we can’t control. However, learning to recharge your batteries constantly is essential for your well-being.

Try adopting a holistic approach, being mindful of your physical and emotional needs. Adapting the routine accordingly will help you maintain a sustainable energy balance throughout the year.

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This article first appeared on Grazia.it – Author: Miriam Tagini