Apply Martin Seligman's PERMA method to be happier
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The pursuit of happiness isn’t just some irrational thing; it’s the driving force behind pretty much everything we do. Yet, finding that blissful state often feels like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands.

Enter the world of positive psychology, a haven for those trying to dodge life’s surprises. And in addition, inject a bit of cheer into your everyday existence. Among the gems in this treasure trove is the PERMA method, an innovative approach that promises a shot at true happiness.

The Blueprint to a Happier You: Navigating the PERMA Method

Crafted by Martin Seligman, the godfather of Positive Psychology, the PERMA method isn’t just another self-help fad. It’s a well-thought-out approach to fulfillment that reels in happiness on a personal and professional front, all while enhancing our psychological well-being. But how exactly do you hop on the PERMA train to a more joyful existence?

P Is for Positive Emotions: This isn’t about smiling 24/7. It’s about genuinely seeking out and savoring the good vibes. It means tipping the scales in favor of optimism, letting a bit more sunshine and a lot less doom and gloom into your life.

E Stands for Engagement: Ever found yourself so absorbed in a task that time seemed to vanish? That’s engagement. By diving headfirst into activities that light our fires, we not only enrich our lives but also polish our skills and keep our emotions in check.

R for Relationships: While Sartre might have had his reservations, strong connections with others are non-negotiable for our well-being. It’s about nurturing those bonds that make us feel loved, supported, and, well, human.

M Means Meaning: Here’s where you ask the big questions. What’s your “why”? Finding and embracing a purpose sets the stage for a life that’s not just about going through the motions but truly living.

A Is for Accomplishments: Setting goals and achieving them isn’t just good for your ego. It’s a critical pillar of the PERMA method, fueling a sense of progress and satisfaction.

Implementing the PERMA method into your daily grind might sound like a tall order, but it’s all about baby steps. Small, consistent changes can snowball into a life where happiness isn’t just a fleeting moment but a constant companion.

So, why not give it a shot? With the PERMA method as your guide, you’re not just surviving; you’re succeeding.

**En Appliquant Cette Méthode Développée par un Chercheur en Psychologie, Il Serait Possible de Toucher d’un Peu Plus Près le Bonheur Véritable.**

This article first appeared on – Author: Luce Picat