
Desk exercises are small movements that should be done every day, even if only for a few minutes, to bring you significant benefits.

Returning to work after a break can be a real ordeal, both physically and mentally. But there are several techniques to combat the effects, especially on the body, which is no longer accustomed to long hours of inactivity.

**Managing Post-Vacation Stress**

The right posture at your desk, for example, greatly influences your future quality of life, especially when you return to work and your body has started to “forget” the long hours spent motionless in front of your computer.

To ensure that your good intentions don’t remain mere words, it’s necessary to create a new daily routine that accompanies us during the colder season and continues until the next break.

“Studies have shown that just a few minutes a day are really enough to significantly improve our quality of life, especially in combating the dreaded back pain,” explained Niccolò Ramponi, Valerio Barbari, and Paolo Torneri, physiotherapists and promoters of FisioScience, a startup dedicated to sport industry professionals.

Niccolò and Paolo suggest five simple exercises to be done in succession at your desk, to improve posture, relieve initial muscle tension upon return, and work better.

2 Desk Exercises for the Upper Back and Neck

  1. Sit in a chair with your back well-supported and bring your hands behind your neck (elbows high and wide). From this position, during inhalation, move your elbows backward and your chest forward to open it up, during exhalation, return to the starting position. Excellent for both the upper back and the neck!
  2. From a seated position with your back well-supported by the chair, turn your neck to one side (bringing your chin closer to your shoulder) and then to the other side. Immediately after, bend your neck and head forward to stretch the neck area (without lifting your back from the chair) and return to the starting position. Finally, with your hands resting on the sides of your neck (elbows pointing forward), tilt your head back to orient your gaze toward the ceiling and return to the starting position. This is the best movement for your neck!

3 Desk Exercises for the Lower Back and Legs

  1. In a seated position, sit on the edge of the chair as far forward as possible and spread your legs, firmly placing your feet on the floor. From this position, lean forward and reach as far as possible with your arms, trying to touch the farthest point (under the chair — rolling up on yourself). This is the most specific movement for lower back flexibility!
  2. Standing (possibly with one or two weights in your hands, e.g. 1 or 2-liter water bottles). Keeping your legs straight and holding the weight, slowly bend forward towards the floor, and slowly return to the starting position. The best for the back and legs!
  3. In a seated position, sit on the edge of the chair as far forward as possible and cross your arms over your chest (easy version) or hold a weight between your crossed arms at your chest (more difficult version). From this position, with your back arched and as straight as possible, lean forward and then return to your starting position, feeling the muscles in your lower back working. This is the best exercise for strengthening the muscles in this area!