
Who would have thought that even a daily routine like washing your face can be done right or wrong?

And what if we told you that you probably do it wrong?

It seems like an easy task, but properly washing your face requires a certain procedure, often overlooked.

Here’s the dermatologists’ guide on what to do and what not to do for a correct daily facial cleansing.

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6 Steps to Correctly Wash Your Face


Wash Your Hands First

Before diving into your skincare routine, it’s crucial to start with the most basic step: thoroughly wash your hands. Hands can carry germs and impurities, and if not cleaned before touching your face, they could transfer unwanted bacteria to your skin.

Use warm water and antibacterial soap, making sure to rub thoroughly between fingers and under nails.

Choose the Right Cleanser for You

Choosing the right facial cleanser is crucial for maintaining healthy and radiant skin: it’s essential to consider your skin type and its specific needs before selecting the suitable product.

For sensitive skin, opt for gentle, irritant-free cleansers. For oily skin, choose cleansers with ingredients like salicylic acid to control oiliness. Dry skin benefits from moisturizing cleansers with ingredients like hyaluronic acid.

Once you’ve chosen the right one for you, apply the cleanser with gentle movements, massaging your face carefully.

Don’t Wash Your Face with Hot Water

Although hot water may seem tempting, washing your face this way can have harmful effects on the skin.

Excessively hot water can remove natural protective oils, leaving the skin dry and dehydrated. It can also excessively enlarge pores, increasing sensitivity and promoting redness.

Opt for lukewarm water to effectively remove dirt without damaging the skin barrier. After washing, close the pores with a quick cold water splash to refresh the skin and improve elasticity.


Be Mindful of How You Rub the Skin

Avoid rubbing your face too forcefully. Aggressive movements can irritate the skin, cause redness, and damage the skin barrier.

Instead, opt for gentle, circular movements to stimulate circulation and effectively remove dirt.

Also, make sure to focus on problematic areas, like the T-zone, always without applying excessive pressure. Gentleness is the key to maintaining healthy and radiant skin over time.

Don’t Exfoliate the Skin Every Day

Regular exfoliation removes dead cells, revitalizes the skin, and promotes circulation. Although exfoliation is a fundamental part of a skincare routine, it’s crucial not to overdo it. Exfoliating the skin every day can remove natural protective layers, leaving it vulnerable and prone to irritations.

Limit exfoliation to once or twice a week at most, choosing products with fine grains to avoid excessive abrasion. Ensure to apply moisturizer after exfoliation to maintain the right hydration balance.

Dry Your Face with the Right Fabric

The choice of fabric to dry your face is often overlooked but can make a significant difference.

Firstly, make sure to always use a clean towel to avoid irritations and contaminations. Then, opt for soft cotton towels and avoid rough fabrics that could damage the delicate facial skin.

Lastly, pat your wet face gently instead of rubbing it, as the rubbing motion can cause irritations.

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