We try to investigate the curious case of Brad Pitt and his wax statues.
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Having a wax figure in a museum is usually a sign you’ve made it big. It’s a sign of star power, a sign you’ve hit the big leagues. Except, for some reason, when it comes to Brad Pitt. His wax statues are like the running joke of the wax museum world. From Madame Tussauds to lesser-known museums, Brad Pitt wax statues have something in common: they’re all pretty bad.

The Enigma of Brad Pitt’s Irresistible Charm

Why can’t they get Brad Pitt right? The man has been a Hollywood heartthrob for over three decades. He’s aged like fine wine, and despite being over 60, he still exudes that undeniable charm. You’d think countless photos and films would make it easy to create an accurate replica. But nope. Brad Pitt wax statues often end up looking more like his distant cousin than the man himself.

Creating a wax statue isn’t a quick job. These works of art require hundreds of hours to complete. You’d expect with all that time invested, they’d nail it, right? Unfortunately, it seems like no amount of effort can capture Brad’s essence. Yes, it’s true he may not pose for these creations, but there’s no shortage of photos. Yet, it often seems like the sculptors are working from memory—or maybe a blurry photo from the 90s.

If you don’t believe us, we’ve gathered a collection of the worst Brad Pitt wax statues from around the globe. Among them is the one from the famous Grévin Museum in Paris. Surprisingly, it’s the most decent one! But even then, it doesn’t quite capture the Brad we all know and love.

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Brad Pitt Autumn Legend period at Movieland Wax Museum in Buena Park, California. Closed in 2005

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Brad Pitt in an unidentified wax museum in 1999

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Brad Pitt at Madame Tussauds in New York but in a corrected version.

Photo Credit: Sipa Press

Brad Pitt at the Grévin museum in Paris. He entered in 2011.

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Brad Pitt at Madame Tussauds in Hollywood.

Brad Pitt at Madame Tussauds in London

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Brad Pitt at the Dreamland Wax Museum in Boston (closed 2020)

Why Do all Brad Pitt Wax Statues Look Awful?

So why do Brad Pitt wax statues consistently fail to impress? Maybe the niche craft of wax figure making just can’t handle his charisma. Or possibly, the sculptors are just too starstruck to do him justice. Whatever the reason, the phenomenon remains a bizarre yet amusing chapter in the saga of celebrity culture.

**Mais pourquoi les statues de cire de Brad Pitt sont-elles toutes ratées ?**

This article first appeared on grazia.fr – Author: Jordane Guignonle