Cheat meals can be a diet-saver, but beware the pitfall that can set your progress back.
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Embarking on a weight loss journey and striving for a healthier you often means keeping a vigilant eye on your daily diet. But hey, we’re all human, and those cravings are bound to knock on your door. That’s why cheat meals have been normalized in many diet regimens.

These indulgent mealtimes permit you to enjoy foods typically off-limits, rewarding yourself for consistent efforts or simply for pleasure. Yet, there’s a crucial mistake to avoid: letting it balloon into an entire cheat day or, even worse, a cheat week!

What defines a cheat meal?

A cheat meal is a break from your typical healthy eating pattern, an opportunity to revel in the tastes of richer, sweeter, or more savory foods than usual. Such a meal, often characterized by an unusually high calorie count, can derail your diet if not kept in check. Envision the feast of burgers, pizza, pancakes, or ice cream—harmless in moderation.

Research indicates that metabolism can actually spike after a cheat meal, aiding in burning additional calories (sources: doctor, but this only applies if you keep such indulgences occasional.

The risk of turning a cheat meal into a cheat day or cheat week

Expanding a cheat meal into a day-long or week-long spree of high-fat, high-sugar foods is a huge blunder. This overindulgence can lead to unwanted weight gain and negate all the hard work you’ve put into your diet.

It’s crucial to treat these cravings as rare exceptions, so you don’t fall into a pattern of overindulgence and subsequently become demoralized.

Crafting a meal that won’t cost you

To finesse your cheat meal and still stay on track, consider the following guidelines:

  • Pick foods that truly excite your palate. If you’re not thoroughly enjoying your treat, you’ll likely continue craving and potentially overeat.
  • Practice portion control. Even when granting yourself some leeway, keep the servings of indulgent foods reasonable.
  • Make it an infrequent treat. Cheat meals are treats, not regular occurrences. Aim for once a week at most, or even less frequently if possible.

And importantly, let go of the guilt if you slip up. Cheat meals are part of indulging mindfully and maintaining motivation as you navigate your diet journey.