
Forget strict diets; Often, all you need to lose weight without dieting is to know how to boost your metabolism, the mechanism that, if not functioning efficiently, burns less energy and, consequently, leads to weight gain.

A sedentary lifestyle, stress, and unhealthy eating habits can slow it down, promoting the accumulation of excess weight.

When metabolism becomes sluggish, the body burns fewer calories and fat, making it easier to gain weight.

But what can you do, and what should you avoid, to make it more efficient? Here are 5 rules to adopt in your daily life.

How to Boost Metabolism and Lose Weight Without Dieting

Exercise Regularly

The first big secret to give your metabolism a boost is to engage in physical activity.

Exercise promotes its proper functioning and allows you to burn more fat and calories, not only during the activity itself but also afterward.

Muscles, in fact, consume more calories at rest than fat mass and lean mass.

This means that even on days when you don’t exercise, your basal metabolism will be higher.

With the same amount of food intake, you will store much less.

Alternate Your Workouts

Interval training, which alternates more intense phases with recovery phases, increases basal metabolism — the consumption of energy at rest — allowing you to continue burning calories even after the training session ends.

This method can be applied to various types of activities such as running, cycling, and many other disciplines.

But don’t underestimate the importance of weight training. Anaerobic activity allows you to increase muscle mass, and as we mentioned earlier, muscles are what allow us to burn more, even at rest.

Always Have Snacks

Indulging in a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack helps keep your metabolism active and promotes weight maintenance.

Letting too much time pass between meals can slow down your metabolism and, as a result, lead to weight gain.

When the body doesn’t receive food for an extended period, it tends to burn less, turning the energy it should consume into fat.

Incorporate Protein into Every Meal

Proteins found in meat, eggs, fish, and many other foods promote the production of the hormone glucagon, which stimulates the consumption of fat reserves and favors lean mass.

They also keep you fuller for longer.

Don’t Forget Carbohydrates!

Carbohydrates found in foods like pasta, bread, and others are essential nutrients for the proper functioning of metabolism.

Eliminating them from your daily menu won’t make you lose weight, it will only lead to the loss of lean mass.

The body, lacking sugars to burn fat, takes them from the muscles, preserving fat mass.

**This Japanese Technique Activates Your Metabolism & Helps With Weight Loss**

This article first appeared on — Author: Angela Altomare