
When hunger strikes between meals, it’s important to have a healthy, nutritious and satisfying snack on hand to get you through to lunch or dinner without the pangs of hunger.

However, in the office, the risk is your dear vending machines, as they often consist of nothing more than chocolate snacks and other indulgent treats.

That said, let’s not forget that snacks are actually essential, which is why it’s important to be prepared and always have snacks on hand that allow us to have a healthy and light snack without neglecting our taste buds.

If your office doesn’t provide a refrigerator for storing fruits and yogurt, don’t stress. We found 12 snacks you can keep right in your desk drawer.

Cereal Bars

Choose natural ones, and pay attention when reading the ingredients list. The goal is not for them to have fewer calories, but rather less sugar.

By choosing organic brands, you’ll avoid thickeners and syrups. These options tend to be healthier, and lighter, while still being tasty as they provide you with the right glycemic and protein balance.

Dark Chocolate

A couple of cubes will immediately satisfy your sweet tooth and your brain’s craving for sugar.

Its properties are well-known, but it’s always good to remember that it’s an excellent antidepressant!  Dark chocolate can also help your blood circulation thanks to flavonoids (the natural compounds found in various fruits, vegetables, and beverages).

Plus, it’s a source of magnesium, which helps reduce stress.

But remember, no more than two squares…

Whole Wheat Crackers

When you’re hungry, there’s nothing like carbohydrates. The important thing, in this case, is also knowing how to choose them properly.

Stay away from white flours and those with salt on the surface, and choose whole wheat crackers that can satisfy you, provide energy, and get you through to the next meal without hunger pangs.

Read the ingredients, look for ones without hydrogenated fats, and, if possible, without yeast; Then, stock up.

They will satisfy your cravings in the late afternoon without weighing you down, while giving you the right amount of sugar to get through the day.

Coconut Water

Instead of the sugary, preservative-filled fruit juice from vending machines, opt for coconut water, a favorite amongst celebrities.

This beverage hydrates, boosts your metabolism, and contains only 50 calories per serving.

Rich in fiber, enzymes, and essential minerals like magnesium and potassium, it has the advantage of being naturally sweet without the addition of sugars. Plus, it has very low fat content.

Nuts and Dried Fruit

A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown that eating four almonds between meals helps reduce appetite without causing weight gain.

The same goes for walnuts, hazelnuts, and pistachios.

Generally, it is recommended not to eat more than 8 nuts to get the right balance of fats and proteins and to recover physical and mental energy.

Dried fruit, in general, also has many benefits that can be enjoyed even while on a diet. Just be mindful of the portions.

Rice Cakes

Rice Cakes are a low-calorie snack with great satiating power, and are super convenient to keep in your office drawer.

And for those who think they’re tasteless, there are new variations with paprika or sea salt. They’re just as tasty as chips but they are not fried and they are gluten-free, whole grain, and natural. Plus, as previously mentioned, they have a low-calorie content.

Dried Prunes

A nutrient-rich food considered extremely beneficial for health and well-being, prunes are a great superfood.

The nutritional indication of the European Commission states that eating 100g of dried prunes (approximately 8-12) a day contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system. Even consuming four or five slows down bone mass loss and supports the maintenance of proper cholesterol levels in the blood.

Furthermore, they are fat-free and prepared without salt and sodium, as well as are a source of copper, potassium, manganese, and vitamins K and B6.

This means they help reduce fatigue and tiredness while contributing to the health and beauty of skin and hair.

Muesli or Granola

Whether you buy it ready-made or make it at home with cereal and dried fruit, just be careful to decide in advance how much you intend to eat because although a highly protein-rich and nutritious snack, it is also filling and high in calories. So be careful not to indulge in uncontrolled nibbling, or you risk losing count of calories and overeating.

The ideal serving size? About a handful or two.

Crispy Seaweed

If you’re a sushi lover, you already know that seaweed is excellent, and a valid alternative to crackers and chips with the added benefit of being a source of minerals and vitamins A, C, E, K, and B.

Just like vegetables, they contain very few calories but plenty of fiber and nourishing substances for the body.


Rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and, above all, essential fatty acids and proteins, seeds are a highly nutritious food and ideal for those who want to change flavors often without feeling heavy.

You can find all types of seeds on the market, from pumpkin to poppy, sunflower, sesame, and flax.

Many supermarkets sell them in conveniently packaged portions to take anywhere.


You can satisfy your craving for something salty without ruining your silhouette by opting for popcorn.

They are decidedly lower in calories than chips, with about 100 calories per serving, but they provide the same great satisfaction to your palate.

Have a bowl of popcorn to snack on near you, but make sure to store the rest of the package in your drawer, as you can easily risk finishing them without realizing it.

Oat Flakes

Oats are a common choice amongst celebrities when they are craving a snack while trying to stay in shape.

Usually, they eat them for breakfast with milk, but their flakes can also be simply nibbled on to curb hunger.

It’s an ideal snack that is rich in fiber and protein, but low in fat.

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