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When we’re trying to lose weight, we often think about cutting down on sugary or fatty foods. But did you know there are other foods you should avoid, especially in the evening? A nutritionist and expert in functional medicine, Rose Ferguson, explains in an interview with Vogue,  “The speed at which our bodies process food and use nutrients doesn’t slow down drastically just because it’s a certain time of day. However, for most of us, we tend to be less active in the evening, which affects how efficiently we burn calories. Additionally, some studies suggest that eating late can disrupt our body’s natural rhythms, impacting how we process energy. It’s better to have your last meal a bit earlier for managing weight, improving sleep, and promoting a longer, healthier life.” 

These Are the Three Foods to Skip in Your Evening Meals

Eating late at night isn’t a good idea if you’re aiming to shed some pounds. Here are three foods you should steer clear of in the evening:

Let’s talk about “spicy foods.” Ferguson says, “They can lead to not only digestion issues but also an increase in body temperature, which can make falling asleep more challenging.” So, it’s a good idea to avoid dishes with a lot of pepper or chili.

If you like to treat yourself to a bit of chocolate before bedtime, be mindful of your choice. With this treat, both the sugar and fat content can be quite high. “If it’s milk chocolate, it’s rich in fat and can put extra strain on the liver. Chocolate contains not just caffeine, but also theobromine, another stimulant that can speed up your heart rate and disrupt your sleep,” Ferguson stated.

Now, let’s discuss another potentially problematic food: cheese. In fact, some types can take up to five hours to fully digest. If you’re a cheese lover, it’s better to opt for cow’s milk ricotta or cottage cheese.