This sport is perfect for losing weight: it burns 9.5 calories per minute without you noticing

Are you looking for the perfect sport to lose weight and get in shape? How about Zumba? This aerobic activity is very dynamic!

Zumba is inspired by Latin dancing and is perfect for burning a lot of calories. Playful and fun, it is actually an entertaining way of doing sports for people who don’t particularly wish to lift heavy weights at the gym. 

A lot of factors come into play when you want a quick change: The intensity of the exercise, the frequency of it, and a healthy diet are decisive. One Zumba session can effectively burn numerous calories. As reported by Presse santé, a one-hour session can burn between 300 and 900 calories, depending on the intensity.

Zumba, everybody does Zumba!

In 2012, a scientific study looked at 19 healthy women ages 18 to 22-years-old. The study found that a 39-minute Zumba session could burn up to 9.5 calories per minute, adding up to 369 calories in 40 minutes. This makes Zumba a higher calorie-burning workout than a similar-length kickboxing, aerobics or yoga class. 

The more calories you want to burn during a Zumba session, the more intense it has to be, or you can practice more often, such as participating in Zumba two or three times a week. You can also alternate Zumba with other cardio workouts such as brisk walking, running, or swimming. Thus, your body doesn’t get used to the exercise.

Zumba is more than a weight loss ally. It can strengthen the torso to improve flexibility, heart health, and motor coordination. It also influences mood and energy levels.

There are only good reasons to do Zumba — be it in a gym or at home with online classes!