
Are there exercises to train the mind? Indeed, yes. Physical activity plays a key role in becoming smarter.

The benefits of physical activity for the body are well-known, but in recent years, scientific research has focused on how training can affect our minds.

Now, a new study has revealed the best exercises for brain health, capable of contributing to improving everything from memory to organizational skills.

The study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, followed the daily lives of nearly 4,500 people in the United Kingdom and analyzed their data. In particular, researchers examined how levels of sports activity influenced short-term memory, problem-solving abilities, and information processing.

The research has shown that engaging in moderate and vigorous physical exercise, even for a minimum of 10 minutes, is linked to much higher cognitive test scores compared to people who spent most of their time sitting, sleeping, or engaging in light activities.

Not only that: researchers specifically found that people who did specific workouts had better working memory, and the greatest impact was on executive processes such as planning and organization.

So, what are the exercises recommended by experts to train the mind? We reveal them below.

Exercising to Become Smarter: The Facts


How and Why Physical Exercise Improves Memory and Thinking Ability

This is not the first time that science has found a connection between physical exercise and improved cognition. The Ministry of Health also specifically states that physical activity can contribute to improving cognitive health, enhancing memory, emotional balance, and problem-solving.

The reason for all this is evident from various scientific studies, suggesting that different levels of motor activity can influence blood flow to the brain and cognition.

In other words, exercising at a sustained pace can stimulate blood flow directly to the brain and consequently improve thinking ability.

According to researchers, it may also be related to a variety of factors related to brain growth. Often, studies show that individuals who are more fit have denser brain tissue, suggesting better overall health.

Finally, physical exercise activates skeletal muscles, those connected to bones. It is believed that these muscles release hormones that communicate with the brain, influencing the health and function of neurons. This process could promote the growth and regeneration of brain cells involved in memory and cognition.

The Best Exercises to Become Smarter

Having come this far, we can’t help but wonder: what are the exercises to train the mind and become smarter?

The study suggests that more vigorous activities are the best remedy for the brain—those exercises that raise the heart rate. Among these, the most recommended are:

  • HIIT Workouts
  • Running/Jogging
  • Swimming
  • Cycling uphill
  • Dance

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