Whether we are escaping the mundanity of our restricted lives or the messiness of our social media feeds, a woman’s nighttime routine has become a much-needed tool to disconnect and relax. In this series “How I Wind Down…”, we speak to a lot of different women about how they prepare for a restful evening.

Credit: Supplied / Bond Eye

For Australian model Jessica Gomes, she has always been deeply drawn to the ocean (she call’s herself a “water baby”). After living in Western Australia for much of her young life before moving to California as an adult, it only makes sense that the 35-year-old would collaborate with local swimwear label, bond-eye. For the brand’s first ever collaboration, the internationally renowned model lent her style sensibilities for an eight-piece capsule.

The perfect swimwear for Gomes comes down to how the garment is made and “a good fit”. “I love that bond-eye is sustainable and hand dyed,” she told GRAZIA (the brand’s factory in Sydney utilises solar energy). And Gomes is not the only celebrity to love the label (the likes of Lady Gaga and Kaia Gerber have been spotted wearing pieces in the past).

Gomes connection to the ocean also comes down to its health benefits. These include but are not limited to an increased immune system, circulation and some swimmers even report having a better night of sleep.

So what else does the model do for a restful night?

GRAZIA: Can you describe your night time beauty routine?

“I like to use Vanessa Megan’s Petitgrain pH Balancing cream cleanser, then I like to do a clay mask Hibiscus Banksia Mattifying cream clay mask. Next I like to use the nature elixir oil 12 hour miracle oil. I then light a candle and unwind. Roses Diptyque [candle] and I also love Arya crystal floral Candles. Jurlique also do a beautiful rose balancing spray which I like to spritz over me.”

How do you wind down after a busy day?

“I love to come home and have a long hot shower. Light a candle, put on some music and have a cup of tea. Shut off the world. Cook some dinner, sink into bed and watch a good movie.”

How do you decorate your space to assist in falling asleep?

“I like to cleanse my space of any negative energy using sage or palo Santo. Beautiful sheets and a comfy pillow is important. I love IN BED Store sheets. I also like to light a candle and bring the energy of calm and peace. It’s important to have it pitch black and very quiet. I also turn my phone on silent and have charged away from my head. Creating a restful peaceful safe space to sleep is important for me.”

What time do you go to sleep?

“I try to get to sleep early these days. But I’m in bed always by 10pm. Sometimes I will also listen to calming music before bed.”