How to Take a Beautiful Profile Picture Using Foliage

From clothing to photo editing, through the hour and the pose: here's how to take a beautiful profile picture using the colors of the foliage.

The 10 Most Beautiful Cities to Visit in Autumn

Science Proves It: Top 10 Cities Worldwide to Experience Autumn's Beauty!

The Original Haircut of the Moment: The Pageboy

Thinking of trying a medium-short pageboy haircut but don't know how it would look? Check out our trendy picks below.

Here’s the Most Elegant Nail Color for Fall

Eggplant nails in all shapes and design

Boost Your Immunity With Fruits This Autumn

To support the body against viruses and seasonal changes, it's important to stock up on vitamins and minerals. Here's what fruits to eat this autumn.

Chestnuts as Snacks: Pros and Cons

As the season shifts, you might find yourself yearning for this simple snack. But, you might want to read about the pros and cons of our beloved chestnuts first.

Why Feeling Sad in Fall is Normal

In autumn, it's common to feel a bit sadder due to the diminishing daylight, among other factors. Here's what happens to the body and how to confront autumnal blues.

Amazon Prime Day: Turn Your Home Into An Autumn-Inspired Pinterest Board with These GRAZIA-Approved Home Goods

Create the perfect fall backdrop to watch 'Practical Magic' and make margaritas at midnight