
Knowing what fruits to eat in autumn is essential because the vitamins and minerals each fruit is rich in can help the body cope with the demands of the changing season and combat seasonal viruses.

Dole Italia recommends autumn fruits and provides a recipe book with seasonal dishes to bolster the immune system.

During this transition phase, fresh fruits play a leading role in maintaining your health thanks to their valuable vitamins, fiber, and minerals.

What Fruits to Eat in Autumn:


Contains vitamin C, with antioxidant properties that promote iron absorption and play an essential role in skin and immune system well-being.


Rich in vitamin B6, potassium, and magnesium, supporting overall health.


Rich in vitamin C with antioxidant properties that reinforce the immune system. The fruit also contains important minerals like calcium, potassium, and iron.


An excellent source of potassium and vitamins A, B, and C with antioxidant action.


A significant source of polyphenols, enhancing the absorption of vitamin C and protecting the body.


Which Recipes Can You Try Out

Açaí Bowl with Fruits

This dish is a true celebration of health and goodness! Great for breakfast, this colorful fruit mix includes banana, orange, mango, berries, pineapple, and kiwi, all rich in vitamin C for immune support.

Red Rice Bowl with Grapes, Figs, and Raspberry Chutney

For a balanced and original lunch, try this red rice bowl, which delights the palate and supports health with ingredients like grapes – rich in antioxidants, figs – loaded with fiber, and raspberry chutney – a source of vitamin C. A masterpiece with aromatic and intense flavors that captivates with its fruity notes.

Autumn-Scented Salmon

In this ideal dish for an autumn dinner, salmon fillets, made succulent by a marinade of lemon, garlic, and spices, meet the incredible sweetness of pineapple and the freshness of raspberries, creating a balanced dish that captures the essence of the season and contributes to supporting the immune system through the nutritional contribution of vitamin C present in the pineapple.

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