
Tea is one of the most consumed beverages globally, and white tea is one of the varieties particularly appreciated in recent years.

This is thanks to its particularly delicate aroma and its bioactive components with high antioxidant power. Obtained from the buds of the tea plant, Camellia Sinensis, white tea has a sweet flavor reminiscent of vanilla and is perfect to sip at any time of the day.

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At breakfast, it’s an excellent substitute for coffee because, thanks to the presence of theine, it provides energy. In the mid-morning or mid-afternoon, it’s an excellent anti-stress beverage that gives a burst of vitality useful for combating drowsiness and fatigue.

Alternatively, it can also be sipped during lunch, but it’s better to avoid it in the evening due to its stimulating effects that can promote insomnia.

This is Why You Should Drink more White Tea


Extraordinary Antioxidant Power

White tea stands out, especially for its richness in polyphenols. It provides high amounts of catechins that counteract the action of free radicals and defend against aging.

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White Tea is Good for the Heart

The antioxidants in white tea are excellent allies for cardiovascular health, including epigallocatechin gallate, which facilitates metabolism, and phenolic compounds like quercetin, which promote circulation.

It’s Good for the Bones

It is also a valuable ally in preventing osteoporosis. It provides fluoride, a friend of bone health. Compared to other tea varieties, it has a lower quantity of tannins that reduce calcium absorption, essential for a strong and healthy skeleton.

This article first appeared on Grazia.it – Author: Angela Altomare

Photo Credits: Unsplash