Princess Diana's shixie continues to loom over current trends.
Photo credit: Shutterstock

Princess Diana’s enduring fashion legacy casts its vibrant aura yet again, this time breathing new life into her eponymous haircut — the shixie. Far from a fleeting whim of nostalgia, the Princess of Wales’ hallmark hairstyle barges into the present, spruced up with a 2023 twist that is raring to close out the year on a high note.

What is Shixie?

The shixie refuses to settle for the mundane, effortlessly melding the laid-back allure of the shag cut with the tidy charm of the pixie. Syd Hayes, the celebrity hairstylist who’s got the who’s who of the glitterati queuing up for snips, spills the beans. “It’s a concoction of razor-sharp bangs with a naughty nod to the ’70s.”

The shixie is an edgy, chameleon-like wonder, exuding cool with minimal fuss. Hayes pitches it as a dream cut for the bold at heart. It’s adaptable to any hair type and a wizard at amplifying volume, especially for those fine-haired beauties.

How to Wear the Shixie Like Princess Diana?

Picture this: you, in the midst of your nonchalance, strut down the street — shixie atop, donning that timeless biker jacket paired with classic blue jeans. The cut demands volume, so embrace the ’90s blow-dry mantra.

Want movement in your mane? Do the twist—curls to the back, then rolls to the front for dimensions that flirt outrageously with light. For those brandishing natural curves in their locks, Samantha Cusick, a hairstylist who knows her way around a hairdryer, advises, “Use a diffuser at a low simmer and moderate dance across your scalp for a shixie that shines and beguiles.”

To keep your style from drooping as the day wanes, use a generous mist of styling or volumizing spray. It is essential for maintaining that perfect look.

Let’s face it — the shixie style of princess Diana isn’t just a cut. It’s a statement, a rebellion, a whisper of the past striding boldly into the future. The shixie is your stage if you’re looking for a new hairstyle as 2023 ends.