Non-attachment could be the key to a successful and happy love life

Non-attachment is a state of mind. It signifies that you are not clinging to things, people or events. Oftentimes, it is associated with eastern philosophies like Buddhism or Taoism. However, it also exists in other spiritual traditions. Here is what you need to know about it.

What is non-attachment?

Non-attachment does not mean that you have to ignore or reject the things you care about. On the contrary, you just need to come to terms with the fact that they are not permanent. They do not define happiness.

Generally, when we are attached to something or someone, we tend to fear losing them. This can lead us to unhealthy behaviors like possessiveness, jealousy or anxiety.

Non-attachment allows us to live our relationships and experiences more serenely and not be obsessed with the fear of losing them. It gives us the freedom to live in the moment. Writer Raffaello Manacorda used a metaphor to explain this:

“Imagine that you go on an organized trip with a group of people that you don’t know. The participants are coming from all over the world, and you are not going to see them again after the holiday is over. In the group, there is someone that you find really attractive and interesting. You know that you will share only a short time with him or her, but you intend to make the most out of the few days that you can spend together. You want to live these moments with intensity and passion, knowing that they won’t last forever, and that you will have to part ways. You accept the situation and still open yourself fully to the experience. There isn’t any indifference here, right? Still, the circumstances of this encounter force you to be non-attached to the other person and the experience you shared (unless you want to suffer greatly).”