Zero date: a pre-dating hack that saves you from a ton of awkward and failed dates!
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Imagine you’ve been in deep chats with your potential future partner for days. Whether on an online dating platform or social networks, the dreaded question surfaces: “when are we going to meet?” Anxiety skyrockets! Try as you might, a first date is an unavoidable reality, often studded with stress and anxiety. Uninteresting chit-chat, uncomfortable silences, clashing personalities, or a simple mismatch can dampen the dating fun. That’s where the latest dating approach of ‘zero date’ comes to the rescue.

Glamour UK put it out there — think of it as an unofficial first meeting, not an actual date. It’s a pre-screening for compatibility before arranging an actual date. No strings attached! Picture it: an hour-long casual drink. After which, you get to ask yourself, “is this my person?

Zero Date: An Approach That Filters Your Matches

Christina Wallace, a renowned podcaster and entrepreneur, swears by the ‘zero date’ method. She believes it wards off the risk of spending time on dreary, dead-end dates. “It’s just an hour, you could even squeeze three ‘zero dates’ in one evening. One great outfit and a hair-do are your weekly investment,” she suggests.

‘Zero date’ acts as an effective sieve, sifting out time-wasters, posers, and mismatches, says Alex Mellor-Brook, dating guru and co-founder of Select Personal Introductions. His view: “It’s a lifeline against catfishing. Does their in-person image match up with their profile picture? Do their apparent traits mirror their claims on their profile? You’ll get a sneak peek into their reality.