Courtesy: Liana Werner-Gray


There is evidence that too much anxiety can weaken the immune system dramatically. Anxiety puts stress on the body, which, in turn, releases cortisol that creates more anxiety in the body. Anxiety is a two-way street. We also know that people who are unwell tend to feel more anxiety. The biologic effects of stress on immunity are multifaceted, including complex neuroendocrine and neurotransmitter interactions.1 Neuroendocrine cells receive messages from nerves and respond by releasing hormones into the bloodstream. Hormones coordinate and influence metabolic functions, mood, and behavior. 


One-way to improve your immune system overall is simply to boost your protein intake! When we eat protein, it’s broken down into amino acids, which are then used to help your body with various processes such as regulating immune function, nourishing the brain, building muscle, assisting with mood, intestinal function, and fertility. An optimal balance among amino acids in the diet and circulation is crucial for whole-body homeostasis.2 

Your immune system needs nine essential amino acids—histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine—to function properly.3 These foods are the most common sources of essential amino acids: 

  • Lysine: grass-fed meat, eggs, non-GMO soy, black beans, quinoa, and pumpkin seeds 
  • Histidine: meat, fish, poultry, nuts, seeds, and whole grains 
  • Threonine: cottage cheese, wheat germ, non-GMO soy, beans, nuts, and grains 


Chlorophyll is a compound found in dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, and broccoli. Eating dark leafy greens is great, however it’s exceptionally more powerful when it is consumed via a liquid, either in water, a juice or smoothie. You can even get liquid chlorophyll and drop it into your tea and coffee! It is noteworthy that chlorophyll contains magnesium, which we know helps to boost the immune system and reduce anxiety. People with low magnesium intake are likely to experience a compromised immune system and extra stress on the body. Chlorophyll also reduces inflammation in the body and it has been shown to enhance oxidative stress tolerance; meaning, your body will be able to adapt to stressful conditionals easier.  

Here is a recipe for my green juice full of the chlorophyll compound that you can drink to ensure your immune system is getting the support it needs on a daily basis.  


When people ask me what I recommend they do if they can only change one thing in their diet – this is it. This will keep your immune function stimulated everyday! 

Green Immunity Juice 

Total time: 10 minutes 

Serves 1 


1 cucumber 

1 orange 

3 celery stalks 

½ cup kale 

½ cup spinach 

Handful of fresh parsley 

½ lemon, peeled 

Thumb-sized piece of ginger  


Juice all the ingredients in your juicer. Drink. 


Colloidal silver is naturally found in soil, mushrooms, and breast milk. As a dietary supplement, we are able to safely consume it in small quantities in colloidal form which is food grade. The liquid contains only nanoparticles of the metal. Colloidal silver is a liquid or gel in which microscopic particles of silver are suspended. It’s immune boosting and virus-protecting qualities are well known. Other than in foods, you can consume colloidal silver in liquid form or with a spray bottle that goes right under the tongue, three times a day for an instant immune boost. Colloidal silver works by taking damaged cells out of a damaged state and replacing them with healthy new cells. It also assists with optimum gut health, which is said to be where 70% of the immune system resides.  


Isn’t it interesting that when we get a cold or feel our immunity is running low we often crave oranges? Oranges contain vitamin C and a lot of other antioxidants, and they are so cheerful. Even just looking at a vibrant orange can brighten our mood. But combined with their scent and flavor, well, the impact is incomparable. Odors are capable of altering our emotional states! So, enjoy peeling your orange and breathe in its scent as much as you can!  


Astragalus is famous for boosting immunity. A plant that belongs to the legume family, its root is used as an herbal remedy in traditional Chinese medicine to reinforce qi (life force energy) and aid in the growth of new tissue. When I consume it, I love visualizing how astragalus helps the body build new cells. Research at the UCLA AIDS Institute investigated the ability of cycloastragenol (a compound extracted from astragalus) to inhibit the aging process of immune cells. Scientists found it had positive effects on the cells’ response to viral infections. It appeared to increase production of telomerase, an enzyme that plays a key role in cell replication and protects cells from DNA damage.4 

You can buy dried astragalus root and make tea by boiling it in hot water. Or you can purchase it in the form of a powder, a liquid extract, or a capsule. The powder or liquid can be added to smoothies, teas, and soups. 


Blue-green algae are some of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. You can find blue-green algae, such as spirulina and chlorella, marketed under various product names. Algae are found in almost every terrestrial and aquatic habitat: oceans and freshwater ponds and lakes, damp soil, and moist rocks in the deserts—even in Antarctic rocks! This pervasive life-form owes its superfood status to its high concentrations of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Through photosynthesis, it turns sunlight into oxygen in water.5 

WebMD reports that people use blue-green algae for boosting the immune system, improving memory, and otherwise assisting with good brain health, increasing energy and metabolism, and improving digestion and bowel health.6  


Roughly 90 years of research demonstrates the relevance of dietary nutrients for immunity health. Some of the earliest research studies on nutrients relevant to immunity health observed in people known to be deficient in the B vitamins!7 

B vitamins are important for making sure the body’s cells are functioning properly. Not only do they keep the immune system strong, they maintain healthy brain cells, they also help the body convert food into energy, create new blood cells, and maintain healthy skin and other tissues. All B vitamins are powerful immune boosters. 

There are eight B vitamins, which are known collectively as B-complex vitamins: 

B1: thiamine 

B2: riboflavin 

B3: niacin 

B5: pantothenic acid 

B6: pyridoxine 

B7: biotin 

B8: inositol 

B9: folate 

B12: cobalamin   

You can get B vitamins from proteins such as meat, eggs, and dairy products, as well as from leafy green vegetables, beans, and peas. Many kinds of cereal and some breads have B vitamins added to them because they are so critical for health. Bananas contain high amounts of vitamins B6 and B12, as well as magnesium and potassium. Vitamin B6 comes in protein-rich foods like turkey and beans, as well as potatoes and spinach. Vitamin B12 is found in the following foods, listed highest to lowest in terms of the amount they contain: clams, liver, trout, salmon, tuna, beef, yogurt, milk, ham, eggs, and chicken breast. Nutritional yeast also contains B vitamins.32 B12 can work alone as well as in conjunction with other B vitamins to support many vital functions. 


The history of licorice root can be dated to 2300 b.c.e. Folk healers thought licorice to be a magic plant that rejuvenated aging people. A sweet flavor can be extracted from the licorice root, one that we may know from the licorice candy or alcoholic beverages like ouzo, which comes from Greece. Licorice root contains glycyrrhizic acid, which causes it to be anti-inflammatory and immune boosting. It is classed as an adaptogen—it helps us cope with stress. It is also used to soothe gastrointestinal problems.  

I’m obviously not talking about licorice candy, so don’t go eating a ton of black licorice thinking it will boost your immune system, as the sugar and preservatives in candy will do the reverse. You can take licorice supplements, licorice liquid extract, or drink licorice tea.