Yellow teeth : how to have whiter teeth without a whitening?

Are you dreaming of having white teeth? Good news for you, we have some tips and tricks to help make them brighter!

Of course, it is no secret that to have white teeth it is essential to have good dental hygiene, brush them three times a day, and visit the dentist regularly (once or twice a year).

In addition to healthy dental hygiene, here are some tips and tricks that will help you whiten your teeth and avoid them becoming yellow.

The secret to white teeth

Brush your teeth 30 minutes after a meal

Unlike what you may think, it isn’t a good idea to grab your toothbrush right after a meal, tea or coffee. Why? Because the food residue will spread on the teeth’s enamel. Thus, the teeth tend to yellow. Instead, wait about 30 minutes before brushing them.

Restrict acidic food intake

Food that is too acidic tends to yellow the teeth. Thus, steer clear from it.

Avoid tobacco, coffee, and tea

It’s well known that tobacco, coffee, and tea are the enemies of white teeth.

Choose the right toothpaste

Choose a toothpaste — preferably natural — that answers your needs, without too many chemicals. Remember, there is no magic potion to make your teeth whiter, only good habits like regular brushing and dental care.

Clean your teeth with baking soda

For a brighter result, baking soda cleaning once a week can help whiten the teeth.

Now you know what to do, so let’s get to it!