Here’s why you should not leave a glass of water on your bedside table

Are used to leaving a glass of water on your bedside table at night, just in case you are suddenly thirsty? Although seemingly a good habit, this could actually be very bad for you. Here’s why:

An article from Healthline Reports says that having a glass of water handy can seem like a good idea, however, it’s actually very unhealthy and unhygienic.

Why? A glass of water left for a few hours can be contaminated by germs and bacteria found in the air. Insects and dust can also be found in it without you even noticing. Last, but not least, with time, the taste of water can change.

In addition to considering the hygiene part of the problem, having a glass of water close to your bed can also be dangerous. Usually, most people tend to place their phone or computer on their bedside table. And having all those electronic devices so close to water can be a call for disaster.

How not to be thirsty at night?

There are a couple of different factors that contribute to nighttime thirst.

You can be thirsty during the night if you drink too much coffee during the day, or when you eat dishes that are too sweet or salty. To avoid being thirsty in the middle of the night, the best solution is to eat light.

Moreover, stress or intensive exercise too close to bedtime can also make you thirsty. Thus, prefer to limit stress and exercise at least three hours before bedtime.