Elevate your well-being with our dietitian-approved drink, the ultimate craving killer. Indulge guilt-free and embrace a healthier you!
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How can one fend off those sudden sugar cravings? Dietitian Charline Wirth shares the perfect solution in a video on her Instagram account.

According to her, there’s a drink that can “help regulate your blood sugar… and therefore your physiological sugar cravings!” She reveals the benefits and recipe of this elixir to her 171,000 followers. And the good news is, you likely have some of the ingredients in your pantry already.

Why Do We Get Cravings?

Sugar cravings follow a “state of fatigue that leads us to seek out foods that provide quick energy and pleasure.” Hence, this beverage would help avoid “insulin spikes and hormonal fluctuations.” 

However, Wirth explains that this almost magical recipe “will probably not impact sugar cravings that stem from emotional comfort needs, or if they are linked to deeply rooted habits.” She also humorously emphasizes that “it is phytotherapy, not magic: it won’t do anything for your glycemic level after two plates of well-cooked white pasta + a double caramel Magnum + a Coke.”

The Craving Killer Recipe That Makes All the Difference

To make this recipe, you will need:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 dried bay leaves
  • 2 dried sage leaves
  • 1 diced apple

Place all the ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil. Then let it simmer for a minute and allow it to infuse for three hours. After straining the mixture, it can be enjoyed hot or cold, according to your preference. 

The specialist recommends drinking two cups a day of this craving killer. However, Wirth also cautions: “For any contraindications, seek your doctor’s advice. Not suitable for pregnant women.”