Credit: Mathilde Langevin

Let’s face it, we all get sugar attacks. If you are experiencing intense sugar cravings, like most of us, you are not alone. When some of us feel like cravings control us, it can be incredibly stressful, especially after summer of indulgence, and occasional indulgence isn’t a negative! But for some it is then a back-and-forth battle of the mind whether to give into the sugar craving or not. It feels so good to get that immediate rush, but then often end up dealing with consequences such as mood changes and inflammation. End the cycle now by trying these approaches below….  

14 ways to help ease sugar cravings: 

1. Drink ginger tea  

Ginger naturally suppresses sugar cravings. Drink a ginger tea before giving into the sugar craving and see if you still want that sweet. Ginger is considered a palate cleanser that helps fight the urge for something sweet and can make you feel strong, powerful and in control. Ginger is also a natural anti-inflammatory that enhances insulin sensitivity, which protects against diabetes.  

2. Do a candida gut cleanse  

Everyone has a healthy amount of candida in the digestive system, but those who eat sugar in excess can experience a candida overgrowth. Candida grows off sugar and will send cravings to your brain to feed it more. Cleanse candida by drinking 1 ounce of aloe Vera and 1 ounce of colloidal silver 3 times a day for 3 weeks. Once candida is normalized you will notice you don’t crave as much sugar!  

 3. Eat Tigernuts 

Tigernuts are a vegetable root and naturally very sweet, like a sweet potato. They also take a while to chew and can help break cravings for candy and sugary things. 

4. Sleep  

When the body is tired and fatigued it will crave sugar and you will immediately want to give into it because you are tired and want an energy boost. Change your life to ensure you are getting enough sleep and rest. It’s very important to have this balance so that you can be healthy in all areas of your life. When you are well rested you will notice a significant reduction in your cravings. It also supports the adrenal glands, and adrenal burnout is one of the causes for sugar cravings. 

5. Have more fun 

Make sure you have a balance of work, rest and play. Overworked people tend to crave quick sweets, fats and oils to keep up with a demanding lifestyle. Often cravings are just compensating for an area of our life where we don’t have balance.  

 6. Eat enough protein  

When your body is satiated on protein you are less likely to crave sugar or need to give your brain some fuel. 

7. Drink a green juice 

You will find that when you completely nourish yourself with nutrient rich foods and drinks every day you will crave less of the ‘bad stuff’. The quickest way to get nutrition to the cells at a very instant level is by having fresh juice every day, smoothies and lemon water are also great options. A green juice can consist of cucumber, celery, ginger, lemon and a bit of green apple.  

8. Stabilize your nervous system with healthy fats  

Feed your nervous system good healthy fats it needs like avocado, chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, coconut oil and olive oil. Anxiety is a system of the nervous system is deprived of good healthy fats, and when anxious people crave sugar. When the nervous system is stable it is harmonized and won’t crave sugar.  

9. Eat one whole food a day 

When we give ourselves a good base nutrition, we relieve a lot of guilt. Often times when we feel guilty we crave more things that make us feel guilty, it’s a vicious cycle. The better you feel, the more you will want to keep that momentum going. Whole foods such as blueberries, apples, avocado, coconut, walnuts, carrots and sweet potatoes are effective for breaking the sugar impulses.   

10. Be selective with where your sugar comes from 

Retrain your cells to crave only healthy wholesome sugars like fruit, maple syrup, honey, dates, monk fruit and stevia. Put up a hard no to refined white sugar and corn syrup but say yes to natural sugars. Eventually your body and taste buds get used to natural sugars and will start to crave them! This is called replacement therapy – it’s a thing! Deprivation almost never works, so if you have something that is wholesome and hit’s the sweet spot you won’t crave the neurotoxic refined sugars.  

11. Do a blood test to check if you have any vitamin deficiencies. 

Most of us are nutrient deficient and so we crave quick fix fast foods like sweets and fried foods to quickly satisfy. If you have deficiencies take supplements to quickly get your nutrient levels where they need to be.  

12. Try chlorophyll supplements 

Chlorophyll is a compound found in dark leafy greens and to get it in quickly you can get a liquid supplement and drop it into water, a greens powder or supplement. Chlorophyll is neuroprotective, or a substance that helps protect and preserves brain function, and settles the brain almost immediately to think more rationally. It also puts oxygen into your body and instant energy that is sustainable, unlike that sugar crash.  

13. Do a detox  

Cleanse your system including the cells that ‘remember’ the cravings. When we do a major detox, we feel so fresh and clean we don’t crave foods that will pollute our system. Sweat it out at the sauna or drink betonite clay to purify the body.  

14. Don’t let your blood sugar levels drop too low  

Practice good nutrition hygiene by making sugar you are getting sufficient amounts of nutrition daily, don’t let yourself starve so that your blood sugar levels remain stable. When your blood sugar levels drop the body will try and rebalance and will send you a sugar craving to give your blood sugar levels a boost.  

Our bodies were designed to have some sweet things – fruit is natures candy, and it provides us with nutrients as well as pleasurable feelings. Don’t deprive yourself of the sweet things in life – unless they are neurotoxic as well.