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In our fast-paced lives, stress and anxiety are very present. The symptoms are familiar: a diminished appetite, sleepless nights, bouts of dizziness, and unwelcome digestive turmoil. For some, it can trigger depression and significantly affect their personal life.

While stress is caused by external factors, it seems that some people have become addicted to it. Why? When we experience stress, the brain releases cortisol and dopamine. This molecule then provides a feel-good sensation. This “encourages repetitive behaviors by activating our brain’s reward center,” explains neuroscientist Heidi Hanna to CNBC.

These Three Signs Could Prove That You’re Addicted to Stress

If one is addicted to stress, it’s often to avoid other more negative emotions, such as “feelings of loneliness, sadness, or boredom that can temporarily be concealed by stress,” elaborates Debbie Sorensen, a Harvard-trained psychologist. She suggests that this phenomenon is actually quite common.

To determine if you’re addicted to stress, Sorensen has identified three telling signs:

  1. Avoidance of rest and relaxation
  2. Constantly checking your phone
  3. The Yes-Man Syndrome: saying “Yes” to everything

These red flags can help you figure out whether or not you might be dependent on this anxiety-inducing feeling.

However, the Harvard-trained expert cautions against jumping to conclusions: these signs could also be the result of a highly toxic work environment that keeps your stress levels consistently high. According to Sorensen, the most evident symptom of this addiction is “continually choosing to place yourself in stressful situations, even if you can avoid them and your body, mind, or both are begging for a break.”

If stress is what drives you, be extra careful not to let it harm your health! It’s important to take care of yourself to ensure happiness both in your personal and professional life.