Instagram @myskalfayaretreat

In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, finding moments of calm and relaxation can be a challenge. Mindfulness exercises are a great way to combat stress, anxiety, and the everyday hustle and bustle of life. By engaging in mindfulness exercises, you can cultivate a sense of calm and inner peace that can positively impact your mental and physical health. If you are wanting to explore mindfulness activities to help you find calm and wellness, we’ve made a list from attending a reading group to going on a retreat and everything in between. So, let’s delve into the world of mindfulness and discover the benefits of incorporating these activities into your daily routine.

Live Life As Your Best Self By Visiting These Wellness Retreats In The UAE

AlSadeem Observatory

mindfulness exercises
Instagram @alsadeem.observatory

AlSadeem Observatory is an astronomical observatory located in Abu Dhabi, UAE. It offers visitors a unique opportunity to observe the stars and planets using high-tech telescopes in a remote and peaceful location away from city lights. Visiting the sbservatory and engaging in stargazing activities can be a tranquil activity for mental health. Being in nature can positively help one reduce stress and anxiety levels. Additionally, stargazing can be a meditative experience, allowing visitors to disconnect from their daily worries and immerse themselves in the beauty and mystery of the vast universe. Some studies say that observing celestial objects and learning about astronomy can promote a sense of awe and wonder, which has been linked to increased well-being and positive emotions. Overall, the visit can be a unique and enriching experience for both the mind and the soul.

Mental Health Awareness Month: The Best Podcasts To Listen To

Mysk Al Faya Retreat

Mysk Al Faya Retreat offers a serene and tranquil environment away from the busy city as you retrace the steps of authentic Arab nomads in the Mleiha desert. The retreat offers mindfulness amenities such as the salt pool, the tropical shower walk and the hands-free spa activities that can help in improving mental health all while experiencing the true definition of Middle East luxury living. Disconnect from the world for a weekend at Mysk Al Faya Retreat, and rejuvenate your soul.

Flower Bouquet Arrangement Workshop at Âme Artistic Studio

mindfullness exercises
Photo Courtesy of Âme Artistic Studio

This workshop involves arranging and creating floral arrangements, which in itself can be a relaxing and meditative activity. Working with flowers can have a calming effect and can be an excellent way to unwind and find inner peace. Attending a flower bouquet arrangement workshop can be a mindfulness exercise that helps calm the mind and reduce anxiety. Creating a beautiful arrangement with flowers requires focus, attention to detail, and being present in the moment. As you carefully choose the flowers, arrange them in a pleasing manner, and focus on their colours and scents, you can begin to let go of distracting thoughts and immerse yourself in the experience. It is also a form of self-expression and creativity, allowing you to tap into your emotions and express them through the arrangement. By the end of the session, the beauty and fragrance of the flowers will leave a positive impact on your mood.

Reading Group ‘What’s the subject? with Karno Dasgupta’ at Jameel Arts Centre

mindfulness exercises
Photo Courtesy of Jameel Arts Centre

Jameel Arts Centre is organising a reading group on May 20th to attempt to think about the tension between one’s environment and one’s individual sense of self. Attending a reading group can be an enriching experience for many people, especially those who love to read and discuss literature. Engaging in group discussions about books and literary works can help individuals develop their critical thinking skills and expand their perspectives on various topics. Being part of a reading group can create a sense of community and provide a space for social interaction, which is essential for maintaining good mental health. Reading itself has also been shown to have numerous benefits for mental well-being, such as reducing stress, improving focus, and boosting empathy and emotional intelligence. It’s an excellent way to connect with others and stimulate the mind which promotes relaxation, personal growth, and social connection. Don’t forget to check out Jameel Arts Centre’s event calendar for more mindfulness exercises. To RSVP, click here.