Dermatologist helps us understand the best ways to remove women's facial hair.
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Discussing women’s facial hair is long overdue. Let’s break the silence and dive into solutions for those looking to manage or remove it. You’re not alone in seeking silky, hair-free skin. Fortunately, experts like Dr. Laurence Netter have shared their wisdom on how to navigate this hairy situation.

Where does facial hair come from?

Women’s facial hair is a natural phenomenon, largely driven by hormones. Hormonal changes, like those during pregnancy or menopause, often lead to increased facial hair. But there are ways to tackle it, shared by experts like Dr. Laurence Netter in Femme Actuelle.

According to Dr. Netter “The hormonal upheaval, especially around menopause, can cause a significant increase in women’s facial hair.” This is because, during menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels decline, but testosterone doesn’t take the same hit. This imbalance may result in more pronounced facial hair.

What do you need to know about facial hair removal?

For tackling dark facial hair, laser hair removal is an option. Yet, Dr. Netter cautions, “Laser treatment can sometimes stimulate hair growth in surrounding areas.” This is something to consider, especially for those with hormonal conditions like PCOS.” Laser treatments, while effective, might not be the best option for everyone.

The best method for permanent hair removal?

Electrolysis presents another avenue for women’s facial hair removal. “Electrolysis targets the hair follicle directly, ensuring that hair doesn’t regrow, making it a permanent solution for women’s facial hair removal, explains Dr. Netter. Although time-consuming and a bit uncomfortable, many find it worth the effort for lasting results. Sessions can cost around $100, with several needed for complete removal.

For those not ready to commit to the zap or the laser’s beam, there’s a softer approach: bleaching. This method doesn’t remove women’s facial hair but makes it less noticeable. “Bleaching is a viable option for those looking to disguise lighter hair, offering a non-invasive way to manage appearance,” Dr. Netter advises. It’s an affordable, quick fix that might be the right choice for some.

The journey of managing or removing women’s facial hair is personal. Your choice should align with your comfort level, skin sensitivity, and budget. Whether you opt for laser, electrolysis, or bleaching, know that you’re making a decision that’s best for you. Thanks to insights from experts like Dr. Netter, navigating the world of women’s facial hair removal is easier and more informed.

**Poils sur les joues et au menton : une dermatologue dévoile les gestes à faire et à ne pas faire pour s’en débarrasser sans aggravation**

This article first appeared on – Author: Par Dallo Dramé