
How often should you exercise to truly see results?

The frequency of training varies based on various factors, including age, fitness level, the type of activity, and, most importantly, fitness goals.

As a basic rule to stay healthy, it’s recommended to do 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week or 30 minutes a day, five days a week. Alternatively, fitness goals can also be achieved by engaging in 75 minutes of intense physical activity or 25 minutes a day, three days a week.

However, it’s important to note that everyone has different needs and skill levels, so it can be challenging to know how much time you should exercise to lose weight and get in shape.

Analyzing expert advice, we explain how often you should work out, depending on your goals.

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How Often You Should Work Out to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Whether you want to run a marathon, engage in strength training, lose weight, or simply maintain good health, there is an optimal number of workout days for you.

How often you should work out weekly depends on your goals.

Specifically, if your goal is long-term sustainable weight loss, then you need to work out three or four days a week.

So, it’s not true that you have to kill yourself at the gym for endless hours every day to lose weight: even working out just four days a week will help you achieve your goal, while remaining flexible enough to continue this routine week after week.

But another crucial factor for weight loss is being more active in general, even outside formal workouts.

In general, those who maintain higher activity levels (even if not in the form of exercise but in other simple activities) tend to be more successful in maintaining the desired weight loss.

The same rule applies if your goal is to strengthen muscles. Three or four targeted workouts a week help tone the body, but it’s important to continually progress with exercises to build lean muscle mass while gaining muscle strength.

If, finally, your number one priority is overall health, then you need to base your workout routine on what you enjoy and how much of your free time you want to spend sweating.

In general, even just a moderate-paced walk for at least 30 minutes, five to six days a week, can help you stay in great shape.

The more sedentary you are in everyday life, the more you should incorporate extra and intentional movement, beyond just walking.

**Walking or Running: What’s Better for Health?**