Lasting couples sharing a moment of joy after work, strengthening their love and connection.
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Do you get drinks with your partner other than on special occasions? Say, at the restaurant or on night outs with friends? What if having a toast with your significant other at the end of the day or on weekends could make your relationship last longer?

These are the findings of a study published in 2016 in the journal “The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Series” and picked up by the magazine Le Démotivateur. The study, conducted by researchers, aimed to investigate the secrets of  lasting couples. They were particularly interested in partners who had been married for at least 33 years.

Out of 2,767 couples interviewed, the researchers concluded that “couples who drink together have a more positive marital life over time. They found a specific correlation with the happiness of women who drink (in moderation, of course).

The secret of lasting couples: spending time together over drinks, not necessarily of alcohol

Wine and spirit enthusiasts will likely enjoy the outcome of this study. However, the essence of a happy marriage isn’t anchored in alcohol alone. It’s spending a one-on-one moment with your partner, chatting and laughing over a glass of alcohol… or a fruit juice! Dr. Kira Birditt from the University of Michigan added:

“We’re not suggesting that people should drink more or change how they drink. It could be that the shared leisure time is what leads to a better marriage.”

So, it all boils down to the couple’s dynamic and their approach to alcohol consumption rather than how they frequently clink their glasses. Just a friendly reminder that alcohol abuse is harmful to your health, and you should always drink responsibly!