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How to Get Back in Shape with the Hot Girl Walk

So, how does this Hot Girl Walk work?

It’s simple: the goal is to take a brisk walk outdoors for a total of about four miles (around 10,000 steps), to be completed in about one to one and a half hours.

But there are some rules to follow.

To turn a simple walk into a Hot Girl Walk, you need to implement these three rules.

  1. During the walk, focus on things you’re grateful for.
  2. Focus on your goals.
  3. Focus on the steps needed to achieve these goals.

And most importantly, continuously remind yourself of your personal beauty.

What Are the Benefits of the Hot Girl Walk?

The basic idea behind this trend is to incorporate exercise and movement into your daily routine while also training your mental health to stay positive and seek the best version of yourself.

The physical benefits of walking have already been widely recognized in the medical world. It has been shown that daily walks improve overall physical well-being, from cardiovascular health to limb mobility.

But it goes beyond just the physical aspect; It’s an exercise that aims to enhance mental health and self-esteem through awareness and positive thinking.

Approaching an outdoor walk with this mindset helps reduce anxiety, stress, and unhealthy thoughts while improving self-image.

How Did It Start?

This fitness trend was coined by TikTok user @exactlyliketheothergirls in 2021.

As she explained in a video, this exercise, in its purest form, is a daily outdoor walk of about four miles, accompanied by a carefully selected motivational podcast or playlist.

“Many people think the Hot Girl Walk is about weight loss, but it’s not just that,” she explained on TikTok. “The biggest transformations are the ones that start from within.”

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