
The world of flowers is fascinating, not only for its beauty, but also for the symbolic meanings it holds. Experts from Interflora have created a guide to understand personalities through the language of flowers.

Here’s what your favorite flower says about you:

Rose: Love and Passion, But Beware of Thorns!

The rose symbolizes love and passion but also represents discretion. People who prefer roses tend to open up slowly, value impeccable behavior, and respect rules while being tempted by new experiences.

Daisy: Simplicity and Positivity

Daisies have traditionally been linked to purity and nobility. Those who prefer daisies seek transparent relationships, dislike excessive words, value values and loyalty, and prioritize respect above all else.

Sunflower: Cheerfulness and Energy

The sunflower symbolizes joy, energy, and a positive outlook on life. Those with a sunflower personality are sunny, positive, and a source of energy for those around them.

Orchid: Sensitivity and Patience

Orchids have long been associated with love, particularly the Greek Goddess of Love, Aphrodite. Orchid personalities appreciate beauty, have a feminine touch, are sensitive, and occasionally seek solitude.

Tulip: Aesthetics and Communication

Tulips, often associated with love, convey various meanings based on color. Tulip personalities deeply appreciate art, prefer sharing and dialogue, and value clear communication above all else.

Carnation: Authority and Emotion

Carnations are given to express strong feelings, affection, love, and wishes for good health. Carnation personalities are authoritative and emotional, often leading others with their passionate emotions.

Lily: Determination and Trustworthiness

Lilies symbolize purity, truth, and rebirth. Lily personalities are determined, resilient, trustworthy, and believe in giving second chances to themselves and others.

Peony: Creativity and Dreaminess

Peonies, known as roses without thorns in Europe, symbolize love, affection, prosperity, honor, and nobility. People who prefer peonies are vital, creative, and dreamy.

Gerbera Daisy: Love for Relationships and Mutual Support

Gerbera Daisy flowers express love, passion, victory, and satisfaction. Their personalities strongly believe in relationships, mutual support, complementing each other, and planning together.

Lilies: Cheerfulness and Carefreeness

In the language of flowers, lilies represents happiness in both love and friendship. Lilies personalities are cheerful, carefree, extroverted, and unafraid of differences.

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