Find out how these little words can help build lasting relationships.
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Is your relationship built to last? It’s a question that isn’t always easy to answer. However, according to one psychologist, lasting relationships rely greatly on the words you exchange with your partner. So says Amélie Boukhobza, whose insights have been featured prominently on Doctissimo.

The foundation stones of lasting relationships are trust, respect, and commitment. Yet, it seems the words we choose to express these values largely determine our union’s longevity. Relationship expert, Cortney Warren, emphasizes, “All relationships have rocky phases. The true measure of endurance, though, is the everyday interaction between you and your partner.”

This insight resonates with Amélie Boukhobza. She opines, “Communication lies at the heart of any couple’s life. Not the grand love declarations. Rather, it’s the little daily conversations that make the difference. Everyday phrases, simple yet profound, reveal the depth of attention we give each other, indicating a robust relationship.”

5 Phrases To Repeat to Build Lasting Relationships

Want to strengthen your bond? Here are some key phrases that, according to our expert psychologist, can help enhance your interaction:

  • “How was your day?”: Boukhobza says, “A simple question that suggests your concern and interest in your significant other’s life. This shows that their experiences matter to you.
  • “I’m here for you”: This is an assurance in difficult times, says Boukhobza. “It’s a pillar of faith in lasting relationships.
  • “Let’s laugh about this together”: Boukhobza believes that humor is potent glue, binding relationships. “Shared laughter in life’s ups and downs signifies our ability to find light in tension-filled instances.”
  • “I respect your opinion, your thoughts”: Even amidst disagreements, mutual respect wins. “Valuing your partner’s thoughts and feelings, and being willing to adjust your own stance, is crucial.”
  • “I would like some time just for us” or “Let’s take some time for ourselves”: Boukhobza notes, “This shows your willingness to invest in the relationship. Recognizing the importance of quality couple time is key to keeping sparks flying.”

These seemingly simple sentences could be the secret sauce to creating lasting relationships filled with mutual respect, trust, and commitment.