Deciding what to gift your boyfriend for Christmas is never easy, especially if you’ve been together for a short time.

Here’s how to choose the perfect gift for him without going crazy, with 9 small tricks.

How to Find the Perfect Christmas Gift for Your Boyfriend

Don’t Panic

You can do it; you just need to make him understand what you want by sending not-so-subtle signals and understanding what he desires with simple and unsuspecting questions.

Men respond to anything; they don’t realize you’re investigating. However, don’t wait until the last minute, or you’ll end up buying something randomly, and the gift might not be the right one.

The Important Thing is that it’s Thoughtful

It’s not true that the thought is what counts. A small randomly bought thing like dark chocolate and beer won’t suffice. The gift for your boyfriend should be well-thought-out; it must have meaning for him and for you. It should tell a story, your story—phrases that make you both laugh or something he mentioned but didn’t expect you to pick up on.

The gift to your boyfriend should say: I care about you, I listen, and I want to give you something that makes you happy.

Many Small Gifts

If you’ve been together for a short time, it might not be the right time for significant and demanding gifts. You still don’t know each other well, and you might end up wasting money unnecessarily. What to do then? Well, you could opt for funny but different gifts, silly things that make him smile. You could even number them and put them all in a large box. They might not be useful, but you’ll win in charm.

Try to Understand If You’re on the Right Track

Do it with small, seemingly innocent questions, like “You know, I was thinking of getting a friend a Polaroid camera for Christmas, what do you think? Have you ever used one?” Or “This sofa could use a nice painting above it, but have you ever thought about what you’d like to put there?” In short, from the answers you receive, you can understand if you’re on the right track or completely off.

Also, Pay Attention to the Presentation

The setting is almost as important as the gift. The moment you give it to him and how you give it to him is part of the experience and the memory he’ll have of that moment. So please don’t downplay what you bought or thought of by preparing him for a possible disappointment. Go big, keep the surprise high until the end. A nice package, possibly large—no matter if the gift is small. Even if you’ve given tickets, you can put them at the bottom of a huge box with wrapping paper; it’ll be even more fun for him to find them.

Hide it Well

Don’t let him find out, not even under torture. Don’t reveal anything, not even the package, should give away what’s inside. So, ban store-branded cards or paper bags that speak for themselves. What’s the fun if he figures out what you got him? You need to be a sort of Santa Claus, and like him, you shouldn’t be discovered until the last minute.

Don’t Gift Him Anything His Mother Would

Socks, scarves, gloves, pajamas, slippers, bathrobes, towels, and sweaters with reindeer on them are forbidden. You can’t give him anything his mother or grandmother would think of. You’re his girlfriend, and you have to save him from sad gifts, just as he should do with you. So, avoid things that would keep him warm to prevent him from catching a cold.

No Useful Gifts

Useful gifts are boring; they’re the ones relatives used to give, mostly because your mother had a say. Useful gifts lead to depression. So, even if his shower head broke, don’t think of buying him a new one. Similarly, if he has an old frying pan, don’t even think about getting him a new set—unless he’s a cooking enthusiast. Please, eliminate the boredom; he can buy useful things for himself.

Yes to Something for Both of You

Experiences are always nice to give and live together. So, yes to plane tickets, tickets for concerts, games, trains, or entries for two somewhere. The important thing is that you don’t end up giving yourself a gift, meaning it should be something he likes too. It’s not nice to give him an entry to the spa if he hates it, or a ticket to a concert of your favorite singer if he doesn’t even know who that is. Whatever you do, try to warm his heart, make his eyes sparkle, and remind him of when he was a child. Isn’t that what love is about? Isn’t that the beautiful and pure part of Christmas?

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