These habits show that you have high emotional intelligence.
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Emotional intelligence, often called emotional quotient (EQ), plays a crucial role in creating a satisfying and meaningful life. Everyone possesses different levels of emotional intelligence, and fortunately, it can be nurtured over time. Developing empathy, expressing emotions, and paying attention to others are all aspects you can work on.

To better understand those with high EQ, we need to explore their unique behaviors and habits. Do you think you might be one of these rare individuals or want to become one? Look out for these 11 signs that you have high emotional intelligence.

1. Strategic Procrastination

Having mastered the art of strategic procrastination is one sign of emotional intelligence. They balance task completion with deliberate delays, allowing their subconscious to spark creative ideas and solutions. They don’t wait until the last minute but avoid jumping headlong into the first idea. According to psychologist Adam Grant, “Procrastination gives you time to consider divergent ideas, learn and reflect on failures, and then incorporate those lessons into your final work.”

2. Embracing Ambiguity

Individuals with high EQ appreciate and tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty. They accept that not all situations will have clear outcomes. This skill not only helps them navigate life’s ups and downs but also makes them more self-aware and sensitive.

3. Acute Nonverbal Reading

High EQ people excel at reading others’ body language and nonverbal cues. They pick up on these signals to understand people better, detect threats, and gauge whether they’re among friends or foes. This skill aids them in both personal and professional settings.

4. Pausing Before Reacting

Emotionally intelligent individuals rarely act on impulse. They pause to reflect before responding to emotionally charged situations, making them seem calm or even stoic. This pause helps them react thoughtfully, rather than rashly.

5. Micro Meditations

High EQ individuals take regular “micro-meditation” breaks throughout the day. These brief meditation sessions help them manage stress and stay grounded. Even a five-minute meditation can improve heart rate and reduce negative emotions, notes meditation expert Janis Gioia.

6. Managing Emotions with Playlists

People with high emotional intelligence use specific playlists to navigate their emotional states. If they’re feeling down, they listen to songs that help them explore that sadness. They engage fully with their emotions, whether they are experiencing joy, inspiration, or anger.

7. Anthropomorphizing Objects

Emotionally intelligent people often attribute human traits to inanimate objects, a practice called anthropomorphism. This habit helps them explore emotions and life’s deeper questions, connecting more with themselves and the universe.

8. Adapting to the Environment

Individuals with high EQ expertly adapt their environment to enhance mood and productivity. They tweak lighting, sounds, and smells to create an atmosphere that supports their goals, embracing the concept of biophilia, or the innate love for life and nature.

9. Limiting Social Media Use

High EQ people delve into their own emotions, identity, and reality, becoming more certain of their life goals. This involves cutting off distractions, like social media. They create strict boundaries around its use to protect their mental well-being, avoiding the negative influences it can have on mood and self-perception.

10. Embracing Unconventional Perspectives

Individuals with high EQ deliberately challenge their viewpoints to foster greater understanding and empathy for others. They adapt to life’s changes and manage their emotions, making transitional periods meaningful and dynamic.

11. Reframing the Narrative

Emotionally intelligent people constantly rewrite their personal narratives to highlight growth and learning. Rather than viewing past failures as defeats, they see them as valuable lessons. They also help others reframe their stories in an empowering way. For example, instead of seeing themselves as a loser after a business failure, they view it as gaining valuable insights into the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

**Les personnes dotées d’une grande intelligence émotionnelle ont souvent ces 11 habitudes étranges (c’est surprenant)**

This article first appeared on aufeminin – Author: Joséphine de Rubercy