The author of “Sex And The City” is helping create a realty dating show based on the beloved 90s series. Credit: HBO

Similar to the plethora of single 50-somethings living across the island of Manhattan, Candace Bushnell can’t help but wonder… Is there still sex in the city?This query has formed the basis of her next project, a made-for-television reality dating show originally titled after that line of questioning.

Indeed, the real life Carrie Bradshaw is trading fictionalised renditions of the pitfalls of dating across New York’s five boroughs—because lest we forget Miranda’s altruistic act of moving to Brooklyn for her family—for the real deal. Because in the age of the Tinder swindler swiping Margiela Tabis, fact is finally preceeding fiction when it comes to entertainment value.

Bushnell and the production company Bunim/Murray Productions are adapting the premies of Sex And The City into a reality treatment, with the team slated to take the project to potential buyers by year’s end. As per Deadline, who first broke the story, the official logline isn’t too dissimilar to the storyline we’ve come to know and love. The synopsis as follows:

Is there still Sex in the City? will follow four “fabulous” friends in their fifties who are looking for a love do-over as they leave their busy city lives for a dating utopia. They’ll live together in a cozy country chateau where they’ll have their pick of a different group of men in each episode. They’ll try the boy toys, sample a senior age player, be romanced by the rich guys and even get to flirt with their fantasy man. But in the end, who will really steal their hearts, and will our ladies be able to bring the sex back to the city?

Willie Garson
We could be meeting the real-life counterparts to Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda within the year. (Photo By Getty Images)

Of course, this outline does sound eerily similar to the last few seasons of Real Housewives Of New York City, where the likes of former countess Luann de Lesseps and former Mrs. Morgan, Sonja Morgan contented to be the best bachelorette north of 59th Street. (As RHONY fans might recall, Busnhell was accosted in the Hamptons by former cast member Dorinda Medley, so it’s unlikely they’ll cast anyone already swimming in the reality pool).

On the show, Bushnell told the publication, “Fifty-something women and above are the hottest new dating demographic, and I should know, I am one of them.”

“Over the decades, I’ve dated men of all ages and I’m so excited to be working on a show that combines my passion for relationships with the chance to help women, like me, navigate a love do-over,” the author added.

We here at GRAZIA don’t need any excuse to gather our girlfriends, pour out rounds of Cosmos and indulge in some guilty pleasure viewing, but trust Bushnell to be the one to bring sex back to the city, and our screens.