Why All Your Partners Are of the Same Zodiac Sign

Why do we tend to always attract partners of the same zodiac sign? It's due to our birth chart and the sign of the seventh house.

8 Daily Habits for a Lasting Relationship

While there's no absolute recipe for a lasting couple, studies highlight 8 habits that can help love endure longer.

Do Opposites Really Attract? Science Says No: Here’s Why

It's not true that opposites attract: according to new research, we tend to partner with those who have similar characteristics to ours.

Erotic Dreams: What Do They Reveal?

Have you had an erotic dream about someone and want to understand its meaning? From your partner to a friend, here's what red-light dreams may reveal.

Parallel Bedtime Scrolling Could Ruin Your Relationship

This seemingly harmless nightly habit can actually push partners apart and damage their intimacy.

Navigating Love: Insights from Series’ Characters

How to find love? Whether you're the ultimate romantic or the life of the party, here's how to give your best shot and succeed.

Signs Your Boyfriend’s a Golden Retriever

It is possible to have a partner who is kind, gentle, and loving. A golden retriever boyfriend will show these signs.

The Power of Baby Talk for Healthy Relationships

Discover the magic of baby talk and why it proves a relationship is actually healthy.