These 3 Signs Prove Your Boyfriend Is a True Golden Retriever Boyfriend
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Let’s face it, the world can sometimes make us cynical about love. We’re almost programmed to brace for the next tale of a toxic partner, the kind of person who sweeps you off your feet only to drop you on your head. And let’s not even start on those who mirror the charm of a Disney villain more than a Disney prince.

But what if I told you that not all hope is lost and that some guys out there can make you believe in love again? Enter the concept of the golden retriever boyfriend, a term that TikTok has lovingly coined and that symbolizes everything good and pure in a relationship.

Finding a partner who embodies the spirit of a golden retriever—think loyalty, joy, and unconditional love—isn’t just a pipe dream. According to Annie Zimmerman, a psychotherapist who spoke with Business Insider, there are unmistakable signs that your man fits this stereotype. So, let’s dive into these behaviors that shout, “Congratulations, you’ve got yourself a golden retriever boyfriend!”

Golden Retriever Boyfriend: Eager to make you happy

If your guy goes out of his way to bring a smile to your face, whether that’s by tackling the mundane chores or surprising you with thoughtful gifts, he’s showing classic golden retriever boyfriend traits. These acts of service and gift-giving aren’t just gestures; they’re his way of saying, “I care about you.” And isn’t that what we all yearn for?

King of cuddles

A golden retriever boyfriend thrives on affection and gentleness. They aim to create a bubble of care and respect around your relationship, keeping conflicts at bay. As Zimmerman puts it, “Kindness is the gold standard.”

And isn’t that the truth? It’s like having a living, breathing comfort blanket by your side.

Keep drama on the down-low

While arguments are part and parcel of any relationship, the golden retriever boyfriend handles disagreements with a calm and rational approach. No need for dramatic exits or raised voices; this guy prefers to talk things out and keep the peace. “Difficult conversations and conflict are normal,” Zimmerman reminds us, “but they don’t have to turn into a soap opera.”

**Ces 3 Signes Prouvent Que Votre Petit Ami Est un Véritable « Golden Retriever Boyfriend »**

This article first appeared on – Author: Elodie Charrière