Chicory coffee alternative: a new way to shed pounds?
Photo Credit: Shuttestock

Most of us start our day by brewing a hot cup of joe. From that first espresso to the afternoon pick-me-up, coffee is a daily ritual. On average, each person drinks about 2.3 cups daily. But some java enthusiasts gulp down between 4 to 6 cups! Spoiler alert: this can wreak havoc on your health. That’s exactly why some of us have started trying chicory coffee as a coffee alternative.

Why You Shouldn’t Overuse Coffee

Drinking too much coffee can lead to several health problems. Think increased blood pressure, heart issues, insomnia, acid reflux, and even digestive issues. Plus, dependence on caffeine can trigger anxiety, stress, and withdrawal symptoms. So, to dodge these risks, try to keep your coffee consumption under 3 to 4 cups a day.

Chicory: The Best Coffee Alternative?

Why not look into some alternatives? Meet chicory, a fantastic substitute for coffee. Not only does it fit the bill for a caffeine-free drink, but it also packs some impressive slimming benefits.

Chicory comes from the root of the cichorium intybus plant. It’s caffeine-free, making it ideal for cutting down on stimulants. What’s more, chicory is rich in inulin, a type of soluble fiber that’s great for digestion. Inulin promotes the growth of good bacteria in your gut, reduces appetite by making you feel full, and stabilizes your blood sugar levels. Best part? Like unsweetened coffee, chicory is calorie-free.

While coffee’s caffeine might kick up your metabolism temporarily, it can lead to energy dips and hunger pangs. In contrast, chicory helps maintain steady energy levels, sidestepping those annoying midday crashes.

Chicory: Your New Slimming Ally

Meet Sophie from Journe-Mondiale, a former coffee addict. She claims she lost 5 kilos in a month after swapping coffee for chicory. “I didn’t expect such obvious changes. My sleep improved, and I fell asleep easier. I had more energy and focus throughout the day, without the crashes. My digestion improved, and no more bloating or reflux. Plus, I lost several kilos, and my skin looked more radiant,” she shares. Sophie still enjoys a coffee occasionally, but chicory has become her go-to.

While chicory offers many benefits, tread carefully. Some people might find inulin tough on their digestion. And if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your healthcare provider before adding large amounts of chicory to your diet

**”J’ai remplacé le café par cette boisson et j’ai perdu 5 kilos en un mois”**

This article first appeared on – Author: Luce Picat